Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2274: Lie to you for a lifetime

Only to know that she was too tired to lift a finger.

Shen Jiwei helped her rinse off, changed the gauze and medicine on her hands, and helped her to dry her long hair.

She was conscious, but she was so tired that she could only half-open her star eyes, watching his cold face, with a gentle look, patiently and meticulously helping her deal with everything.

He was naked, and when Yun Jin's eyes scanned his abdominal muscles, his face flushed even more.

He never thought about wearing pajamas or bathrobes.

He finished processing and lay down beside Yun Jin.

Yun Jin pushed him: "Liar, I will never believe you again..."

I clearly said that I would close my eyes and help her take a bath. Who knows that this is the result after development.

If she had known this, she should go back to the apartment by herself, she shouldn't have come back with him at all.

Shen Jiwei kissed her lips and blew in her ears: "Then you are willing to be deceived by me for a lifetime?"

The words were as sweet as honey, Yun Jin's ears were soft.

"Yun Jin, by my side, I will lie to you forever." Shen Jiwei whispered.

Before Yun Jin had time to respond, he pressed his strong body.

"Ji Wei..." Yun Jin was startled. How many times have been in the bathroom just now, do you want to come?

"I will lie to you for the rest of my life, and love you for the rest of my life." Shen Jiwei's voice became lower and lower, and he merged with her again.

Sure enough, what he said was right. It was better than physical strength. She was indeed not his opponent. At the moment before the extinction joy came, Yun Jin had thinking problems.

When that moment came, she even lost her mind.

When Yun Jin woke up again, it was already noon the next day.

"Hi..." Yun Jin turned over, her waist and legs sore as if she had been run over by a truck.

When my thoughts returned, I remembered the many things I experienced last night.

She sat up, and Shen Jiwei was by the side, looking at her with smiley eyes: "Wake up?"

Yun Jin flushed immediately, and gritted her teeth and said, "Shen are too much. You clearly said yes..."

Shen Jiwei picked her up and embraced her: "What did you say?"

"Don't talk..." Yun Jin knew that once he talked about it, it would involve the shameful topics of last night.

She was really embarrassed.

"Let me see, does it still hurt?" Shen Jiwei took her hand. In fact, he helped her deal with it again before going to bed last night. The injury on her palm should be fine.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Yun Jin shook his head, and he lowered his head to help her see the movement and expression of the wound, making her feel soft.

"Where else?" Shen Jiwei asked in an ambiguous voice.

Yunjin's waist hurts and her legs hurt. Of course, she is a little uncomfortable. She moved her body and said stiffly, "It's okay, I want to change clothes. Can you help me get my clothes and then you leave?"

Shen Jiwei hooked his lips: "Okay."

She felt some coolness coming from between her legs. Obviously, after she fell asleep last night, Shen Jiwei gave her medicine.

He also knows he is too ferocious?

Shen Jiwei brought the clothes and handed them to her.

The clothes are new, and the tag has been removed and shuffled, and it just fits her today.

"That... I'm going to get dressed." Yun Jin said, biting her lip.

Can't he avoid it?

Shen Jiwei leaned over and kissed her on the cheek: "I've seen it all anyway, do you still care about that?"

"But I..." Yun Jin is ashamed to change clothes in front of him.

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