Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2279: Right in the middle

"Jin Wanrou! I have nothing to do with ugliness, it has nothing to do with you. Also, it is ugliness only if it surrounds other people's ears like a fly and buzzes constantly." Yun Jin said with a smile.

"Yunjin! Have you forgotten about you sleeping with other men? You are still a virgin woman now!"

Just as Jin Wanrou's voice fell, the lemonade in Shen Jiwei's hand had already splashed her face.

His face sank, and his eyes were frozen with ice.

The surrounding air pressure sinks, and everything is so cold that people dare not talk too much.

Jin Wanrou was also shocked...

Shen Jiwei said coldly: "Yun Jin has been with me. Including the night you tried to hurt her with the medicine, she was also with me. I don't care who you are and where you are from. I will let me see you in the future. When you appear in front of Yunjin, I will goug your eye; whenever I hear you say something bad about Yunjin, I will let someone cut off your tongue and feed the dog! Let me hear you insult Yunjin again... you get Yes, the consequences will be a hundred times worse than before!"

His words are cold and full of momentum.

Jin Wanrou swallowed a mouthful of water and turned around in fright. She didn't even stand firm, almost fell, and then staggered away.

Yun Jin breathed a sigh of relief, she was also afraid that Shen Jiwei would not believe her innocence.

She raised a smile and looked at Shen Jiwei.

Found that he was a little unhappy.

"Ji Wei, what Jin Wanrou said is false, don't be angry."

"I know." Shen Jiwei squeezed her chin, "I don't like hearing you call your cousin."

"You mean Brother Xiaobai?" After Yun Jin finished speaking, he was surprised that he had said something wrong and hurriedly covered his mouth.

Shen Jiwei's eyes were dim: "Also?"

"No more... No more." Yun Jin said hurriedly, "I will call him cousin from now on."

"What do you want to eat?" Shen Jiwei put away his emotions and asked.

Yun Jin leaned to his chin: "If you don't smile, I dare not order."

Shen Jiwei had to raise his lips.

"That's good." Yun Jin laughed, "I want to eat sweet shrimp, avocado, and rib eye steak. There are so many delicious ones."

"It's up to you." Shen Jiwei was infected by her brilliant smile, and she reached out and rubbed her hair.

"Then what are you eating?" Yun Jin leaned against him and looked at her seriously.

Every smile on her face is very brilliant. When she smiles, her eyebrows and eyes are curving, her lips are red and her teeth are white, making people unable to look away.

Shen Jiwei's eyes narrowed: "I want to eat you."

"It's bad. Say it well." Yun Jin punched him.

"Just like you." Shen Jiwei is no longer in the mood to pick food.

I regret taking her out for dinner, it should be at home. After the candlelight dinner, I can go back to the bedroom directly.

No, you can eat candlelight dinner directly in the bedroom, and you can eat her by the way.

Yun Jin didn't want to get it. He saw himself as a delicious meal. He smiled and said, "Then I will order everything just like you."

Shen Jiwei embraced her and pulled her into his arms, lowered her head and covered her lips, her voice was a little hoarse: "Give you half an hour to settle the dinner."

"Are you still busy with something?" Yun Jin mistakenly thought he had business affairs.

"Right." Shen Jiwei nodded.

"Okay, then I will eat. Or pack it back?" Yun Jin suggested.

"Not bad." Shen Jiwei was in the middle of this proposal, and he took her together, "Then we go back and wait."

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