Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2280: To see the family first

He arranged for his subordinates to stay to help Yunjin get food and pack it back to the villa.

He took Yunjin home.

Yun Jin also thought that he had business affairs, and she couldn't disturb him too much.

Who knew once he went back, he took her directly into the bedroom.

"Aren't you busy with work?" Yun Jin asked.

"I just want to be busy doing one thing." Shen Jiwei pulled her into his arms and blocked her question back.

Yun Jin hadn't asked the answer he wanted, so he was completely wiped out.

When he was satisfied, she was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back, and she said, "What! I knew you weren't busy with work. I should have finished eating in the hotel before returning. Liar!"

"This is my most important job, isn't it?" Shen Jiwei curled his lips.

Seeing Yun Jin's lazy little greedy cat, he asked people to bring food in, put it directly on the bed, and said, "Eat first."

Yunjin put on his clothes, picked up the knife and fork, and started eating.

"Do you like rings and wedding dresses like this?" Shen Jiwei ate quickly. After he finished eating, he pushed the pictorial in his hand to her.

Yun Jin was taken aback, and then said: "What are you going to do?"

"Have you ever thought about marrying me?" Shen Jiwei looked at her seriously, with her image inverted in his eyes.

Yun Jin bit her lip slightly. She is actually very traditional. She doesn't like having intimate relationships before she is unmarried. She always feels that this should happen after marriage.

Therefore, in fact, I am willing to do this with him, because it is not that I have no intention of getting married.

However, she must first tell her parents and two brothers about this matter.

"Ji Wei, can I wait a few more days to answer you?" Yun Jin said with a smile. She believed that as long as she found someone who was good to her, her parents and brother would bless her.

Shen Jiwei's eyes sank slightly: "Why?"

"I want to tell my parents and brother first, and then I'll take you back to see them in a few days." Yun Jin smiled, "You should also want to see them? Make an appointment and we will go back together, okay? "

"Good." Shen Jiwei's expression finally stretched.

"Then I will call my parents and brother first, OK? Mainly because they are busy, it is not easy to make time for them to be together. But I believe they will give me time Yes." Yun Jin laughed.

In fact, Shen Jiwei just mentioned the marriage, but she has already thought about everything behind.

For him, she really has no reservations.

Shen Jiwei was infected by her emotions, and a smile appeared on the corners of her lips. It turned out that it was not so difficult for a girl to deliver her sincerity.

At the beginning, Song Yancheng was so easy to deliver her sincerity, right?

However, she did not cherish it at all.

What about now? Will she still be like this? Or are you really willing to stay for him?

"Good." Shen Jiwei rubbed her hair.

"Then I will call them tomorrow." Yun Jintian smiled.


At the office the next day.

Yun Jin found the time, but first called Mo Lian.

Mo Lian answered the phone: "Yunjin, how is it in City D? A few days later, my eldest brother's birthday, he loves you most, do you want to come back?"

"Mo Lian, I just want to tell you, this time Brother Xiaobai's birthday, I have no time to go back."

"What? Is your work so busy? If you don't come back, my elder brother will be disappointed."

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