Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2290: There is only hatred for Yunjin

It stands to reason that most of the group were arrested, only a small part of them escaped.

I thought that they had already been a bird and beast, but I didn't expect that they would still get together.

Yun Jin already knows that it is useless to show weakness and reason with these people, and there is no reason to talk to these people.

She can only try her best to calm herself down and become rational, before she can think of a way to escape.

But before she could think about it, she was arrested.

The golden-haired man grabbed her with an unkind smile and said, "Hmph, anyway, it's about to die. Before we die, don't take advantage of her, let her take care of us brothers!"

The fat man acquiesced and did not look at Yunjin.

It was because he trusted Yunjin too much and also secretly loved Yunjin, that she obtained too much information and intelligence, which caused the entire internal collapse and collapse. Later, he was killed by the police and lost countless brothers and many years of wealth. Also vanished.

Some of his eldest brothers were killed, some were arrested, and none of them ended well.

Yun Jin is not uncomfortable that a woman can do this.

But the position is different, it is destined that he has only hatred for Yunjin!

"Reward you! Whatever you use!" The fat man shouted, "Go!"

The few people headed by golden yellow stepped forward to pull the Yunjin.

Yun Jin was surprised and angry: "What are you going to do?"

"What are you doing? Our brothers have played with a lot of women, but haven't played with the police..." The blonde hair stepped forward, clutching Yunjin's clothes, "Tonight, let us also drive. Let’s open it up."

Yun Jin spurned.

He said angrily: "Don't be so unreasonable. Bitch! Killed our eldest brother and brother, and now dare to spit me? After a while, I will throw you into the river to feed fish.

Seeing that the boat was already moving forward, Yun Jin was getting farther and farther from the shore, anxious in his heart.

If it is still on the shore, there is still a way to think of.

Now, for a while, she really has no good solutions.

At this moment, the roar of cars came from the shore.

Shen Jiwei and Mo Yanbai arrived almost at the same time.

It has been determined which bed Yunjin is on, and the rest is to get on the boat to save people.

Seeing the ship getting further and further away from the shore, Mo Yanbai immediately asked his subordinates to prepare the motorboat.

And Shen Jiwei watched the ship go away, a trace of worry flashed between his eyebrows.

He didn't want to delay any more time.

The foot stomped down hard, the throttle hit the maximum, and the car shot towards the boat like an off-string arrow.

The car drew a perfect arc on the river, and at the moment of the moment, it finally landed heavily on the boat, and just happened to be unbiased and landed on the deck of the big boat.

By inertia, the car stopped after sliding for a while.

The people on the ship were already stunned.

The rest of the people took out their guns while holding the Yunjin, and shot at Shen Jiwei's car.

They are all engaged in illegal business, and they fight with people all the year round. It is normal for them to have guns on them.

Shen Jiwei was in the car, and blood surged because of the collision.

But as soon as he thought that Yun Jin was still in the opponent's hands, he forced himself not to faint, got out of the car, and blocked these rushing bullets with the car door and body.

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