Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2291: He came to save her

Yun Jin had already seen clearly that it was his car, and he was very anxious. Why is Shen Jiwei so stupid? Why is he chasing him so desperately?

"Shen Jiwei!" Yun Jin couldn't help crying, "Hurry up and go! They all have guns, you can't beat them alone!"

She was really worried.

These people who are holding themselves can see that they are all prolonged with these things, and they are skilled in marksmanship.

How did Shen Ji fight with them?

"It turned out to be Shen Jiwei. Offending Shen Jiwei, the consequences are very serious..." Someone shouted tremblingly.

The golden-haired man said viciously: "It turns out that Lu Yunjin is already Shen Jiwei's woman. Forget it, anyway, it's already offended. It's better to kill both of them, but it's a hundred."

Others nodded their heads in agreement. If you provoke the unpleasant person, the best solution is that there is only one.

They are a group of desperadoes, anyway, life and death have been ignored, and they are no longer afraid to add another name.

Shen Jiwei also took out his gun and shouted through the car: "Yun Jin, are you injured?"

"I didn't!" Yunjin shouted, "Below your car is the ship's console. If you go down there, they can't catch up with you."

"If I leave as soon as I come, why should I bother to come over?" Shen Jiwei gritted his teeth, he was here to save her, not to go through the scene.

Yun Jin is anxious: "These people are..."

Before she finished speaking, her mouth was covered.

Shen Jiwei raised his hand and shot at the person next to Yun Jin, and the person fell to the ground.

"Ah..." The man was on the side of the ship and soon fell into the sea.

The blonde hair and the fat man felt the pressure, and Shen Jiwei's skill and marksmanship were far above them.

If this stalemate continues with him, Shen Jiwei is very likely to solve them one by one.

The fat man made a face, and his golden hair grabbed Yunjin on his chest: "Shen Jiwei, don't mess around. Yunjin is in our hands. If you mess up again, you will be ready to collect her body in a while. !"

Shen Jiwei gritted his teeth.

"Throw the gun out and exchange it for Yunjin with yourself. I can let go of the Yunjin." The golden-haired man said loudly.

"Shen Jiwei, don't be so stupid, they won't let us go when you come out..." Yun Jin broke free of her golden hair and shouted.

However, her mouth was immediately covered again.

Everyone started to move with Yunjin, no longer giving Shen Jiwei a chance.

"I'll change her!" With Shen Jiwei's voice, a gun was thrown out.

Throwing away the weapon meant that he accepted the offer.

Yun Jin frowned, tears slipping from her eyes.

Shen Jiwei's figure slowly emerged from the back of the car and raised his hands: "Don't hurt Yun Jin, I will replace her."

As soon as his figure stood still, the fat man shot him directly.

People like Fatty didn't even plan to let go of Yunjin, nor did they plan to let Shen Jiwei go, leaving themselves a trouble.

So as soon as he appeared, they immediately seized the time to shoot.

Shen Jiwei has thrown the gun out, and now it is impossible to counter them.

But he didn't expect that Shen Ji's only flashback, rolled from the ground, touched another gun from his ankle, and started shooting at Fatty and the others.

They didn't expect that Shen Jiwei was so fast, and the counterattack was so fierce, that they lost two more people at once.

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