"She fainted." Shen Jiwei gritted her teeth, facing the corpse on the side, really wishing to shoot them again.

The good-looking Yunjin is now like this, his heart is choked with pain.

"Yun Jin has always been in good health, how could this happen?" Mo Yanbai said, remembering that she had actually experienced a lot of things just now, and said, "Hurry up and take Yun Jin to the hospital.

Shen Jiwei finally found his breath: "I have contacted my subordinates and waited."

Mo Yanbai quickly landed the boat.

Shen Jiwei's subordinates drove to meet him.

Shen Jiwei disembarked from the boat holding Yunjin, he was shot in the leg, and he could barely take a big step.

"I brought Yunjin into the car." Mo Yanbai wanted to take Yunjin from him.

Without letting go, Shen Jiwei dragged his injured leg and stepped into the car step by step, not wanting to put the Yunjin artificial hand on others.

Soon after arriving at the hospital, Shen Jiwei personally took her into the examination room.

Mo Yanbai didn't want to look at him and Yun Jinqing, but I planned to stay on the ship to deal with the funeral.

But now Yun Jin faints inexplicably, why is he still in the mood to deal with those things?

His entire heart was also grabbed by Yunjin, guarding the door of the examination room, waiting for Yunjin to come out.

Shen Jiwei squeezed his fist, his face was blue, and self-blame swept him.

If it hadn't been just for a moment of anger with Mo Yanbai, how could Yun Jin leave and be taken away?

Mo Yanbai stood by, lonely on his upright body.

Are you really wrong? It was too arbitrary to deal with Yunjin's matter, which caused Yunjin's current pain.

Originally, she should be good, not what she is now.

The doctor finally came out.

Shen Jiwei immediately stepped forward: "Doctor, what's wrong with Yun Jin? What's the matter with her?"

"Who is the patient's family?" the doctor asked.

"I am." Shen Jiwei and Mo Yanbai said in unison.

The doctor was surprised: "So you are..."

"I am her boyfriend and fiance." Shen Jiwei said immediately.

Mo Yanbai didn't say any more.

The doctor said: "Why are you a boyfriend? She is pregnant and has not taken a good rest. There are signs of bleeding and threatened miscarriage. If the child wants to take a good rest, there should be no more disturbances. Otherwise, the child will do. Otherwise."

"Yun Jin is pregnant?" When Shen Jiwei heard this, he was immediately ecstatic.

But then it was more self-blame. He and Yun Jin were getting along day and night, and he didn't even notice any abnormality in Yun Jin's physical condition.

And just now, he put her in a dangerous situation and almost died.

Mo Yanbai was taken aback and grabbed Shen Jiwei by the collar: "Shen Jiwei, you actually made Yunjin pregnant? Do you know what you are doing?"

Shen Jiwei opened his hand and looked straight at him: "Of course I know! I want to marry Yunjin and marry her! Is this reason enough?"

After speaking, he dragged his injured leg to Yunjin's ward without looking back.

Yun Jin lost the nutrient solution and woke up. When he saw Shen Jiwei, he said worriedly: "Ji Wei, your leg is still hurting, let's take care of it first."

"No, I'll stay with you for a while." Shen Jiwei smiled on his face, "Sorry, I quarreled with Mo Yanbai tonight, but it hurt you."

"It's okay, as long as everyone is okay. By the way, the doctor just said what happened to me?" Yun Jin smiled brilliantly.

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