Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2296: Going to be a father

Shen Jiwei whispered: "The doctor said you have a baby and I am going to be a father."

Yun Jin was startled, then a shy smile appeared on her face: "Really?"

"Really. It's just that you were too bumpy on the boat just now, hurting your body, and showing symptoms of threatened abortion..."

"What about the kid?" Yun Jin suddenly became worried, and the whole person was panicked.

"It's okay, the doctor said it would be fine to take a good rest." Shen Jiwei hurriedly pressed her, grabbed her hand, and calmed her emotions, "It's okay, be good."

Yun Jin's eyebrows and eyes felt relaxed, and he urged: "Go and deal with the leg injury. I shed a lot of blood and it hurts."

The corners of Shen Jiwei's lips rose up: "Okay. I'm going now."

He said that he was going now, or he was skewed with Yun Jinni for a while before he stood up and went out.

When he left, Mo Yanbai was no longer visible.

He must have heard that Yun Jin's body is in good condition.

Shen Jiwei's leg injury was not light, and the doctor said: "This wound is so heavy, why did you think that it came now? If you come later, it should be more serious, and it may even cut the bone. Young man..."

Shen Jiwei is not in the mood to listen to this.

He was just thinking about Yun Jin and the child in her belly. Whenever he thought of these, he couldn't help but smile on his lips.

Yun Jin was lying on the hospital bed, but her heart was not as relaxed as it seemed.

Those words of Mo Yanbai are still vivid in my ears.

Shen Jiwei is the son of Shen Bingwang, and his family is engaged in arms business.

The arms business is prohibited in country c and country s.

Yun Jin has been in the family and environment since she was a child, and she knows these things more clearly than ordinary people.

She has more concepts about what can be touched and what cannot be touched than her peers.

But now, Shen Jiwei is doing this, she is not entangled.

If she didn't struggle, she wouldn't be so lost to be taken away tonight.

But after experiencing the storm just now, she clearly realized that she would never give up Shen Jiwei.

Just as he was willing to give her life for her, she was also willing to give her life for him.

Not to mention, now she has his baby.

She reached out and touched her lower abdomen, it was still very flat, but it was amazing that there was already a little life who breathed and shared fate with her, which surprised her and made her nervous.

But thinking of parents, two brothers, uncle...

Yun Jin's heart was ups and downs, and her brows frowned slightly.

Close her eyes, she really can't make up her mind now.

What can she do to not hurt him or them?

"What are you thinking about?" Shen Jiwei stretched out his finger and smoothed her frowning brow.

Yun Jin smiled when he saw him coming, "No, just think about it, think about whether the baby is a boy or a girl."

"So cute, she must be a girl." Shen Jiwei said softly, "I want a beautiful and cute daughter like you."

Yun Jin laughed, and he brought the porridge over: "The doctor said, it’s better to drink some porridge. You have experienced too many twists and turns, and now you have to rest for a few days. It is better to eat light and plain food."

Yun Jin nodded lightly, tilted his head to see that his legs had been bandaged, and then felt relieved, but still asked, "What did the doctor say about your legs?"

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