Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2297: Essential difference

"It's just skin trauma." Shen Jiwei said lightly.

In fact, a lot of stitches were sewn, and the doctor suggested that he take a wheelchair for a few days.

Afraid that Yun Jin was worried, he did not take the doctor's advice, and walked to Yun Jin.

When Yun Jin saw that he was really okay, he put down his worry.

She ate a few mouthfuls of porridge and asked, "Then... Where's Brother Xiaobai?"

Shen Jiwei said: "Maybe it's to deal with the ship's affairs. Seeing you are fine, he left."

Yun Jin pursed his lips slightly, took his hand and said, "Ji Wei, can you not fight with your cousin in the future? He is for my good, so are you. I don't want to see you fight or even draw guns at each other and hurt each other."

"Okay, I promise you." This time, Shen Jiwei said solemnly.

He looked at Yunjin: "Now you know who I am, will you leave?"

Yun Jin shook his head with a gloomy look, and said: "Ji Wei...I don't know how to say, I don't want to leave. But it is not easy to get the approval of my family for your identity and occupation."

Shen Jiwei was silent, lowered his head and continued to feed her food.

"Ji Wei." Yun Jin placed his hand on his palm.

She wanted to say something firm, but she found that she could not be firm either.

Not leaving for now is the limit she can do.

At the moment when she just knew the truth, she couldn't even leave it temporarily.

"Eat first." Shen Jiwei said.

Yun Jin nodded and continued to eat, tacitly not mentioning the topic between the two for the time being.

But in my heart, I have no confidence in the future.

"You rest first." Seeing that she was almost full, Shen Jiwei helped her to lie down and said softly, "I will stay with you here. If you feel uncomfortable, call me immediately."

"Yeah." Yun Jin nodded gently.

Shen Jiwei kissed her lips and whispered: "Yun Jin, sorry, I concealed my identity at first."

Yun Jin shook his head: "Don't say that."

She remembered something and said: "Before that, before I lost my memory, my parents and brother looked for you and they didn't accept you. Is it because they already knew your identity?"

Shen Jiwei was silent for a moment, but he didn't know.

At that time, Yun Jin's family might not be willing to accept Song Yancheng, but they did not reject it very much, perhaps because Song Yan was a policeman.

Song Yancheng and him are still fundamentally different.

He smiled: "Don't think about it so much, let's rest first. The baby needs a rest too, right?"

Yun Jin closed her eyes after all.

So tired, she fell asleep soon.

Shen Jiwei walked out. The confidant by his side called Shen Cheng. Seeing him coming out, he stood still and said: "Master, Mo Yanbai has already cleaned up the ship’s affairs. He carried it down alone. Did not mention the Shen family at all."

"I know." Shen Jiwei knew that Mo Yanbai was for Yunjin.

"Master, what do Miss Lu do?" Shen Cheng followed Shen Jiwei's side, but the relationship between Shen Jiwei and Yun Jin was the most clear.

In the beginning, Shen Jiwei was aimed at revenge Yunjin.

He originally planned to abandon her severely after getting Yunjin, making her try to lose the pain.

But now it seems that Shen Jiwei does not intend to do so.

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