Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2302: Will give birth soon

He kissed Yunjin before leaving.

Yun Jin felt very tangled.

Both parents and eldest brothers are fighting for the country, but she even wants to worry about her children because of their personal love.

But seeing it dragged for so long, the belly is getting bigger and bigger, and it's impossible not to say a lot of things.

She prayed for her parents and eldest brother in her heart, hoping that they would never have trouble.

"Mom and dad, brother, Joe Joe, you must be good." Yun Jin said.

She was a little worried.

When Shen Jiwei came back, she didn't know whether or not she should talk about her parents' identity, so she skipped the topic.

Soon, her belly grew bigger.

Because she had not mentioned it to her parents, she and Shen Jiwei only got the marriage certificate, but they did not hold the wedding.

Shen Jiwei's affairs also increased, and Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei were also in the peacekeeping force. For a while, no one in Jingzhou City asked about Yunjin's affairs.

In a blink of an eye, Yunjin will be produced.

When the due date was approaching, Shen Jiwei was both excited and nervous.

There are countless doctors and nurses in the house, just to prevent Yun Jin from having any accidents.

He walks with Yunjin in the garden every day.

Every time the doctor talked about precautions, he focused like a child, and even took out a small notebook to record all what the doctor said.

In Yunjin's later period, his belly grew bigger and his ankles were a little swollen.

He massages her ankles every day, and he never pretends to do these things.

Although I can't get past the hurdles of my brother and mother.

But when facing Yun Jin's sweet and innocent smile, he would forget all the hatred and just want to love her well and not let her suffer any hardship.

"Master, grandma is about to give birth soon, and you need to pay attention these days." The doctor bowed and exhorted.

"I see, you will get everything ready. If Yun Jin is launched, we will go to the hospital immediately."

The prepared hospital is only a ten-minute drive from the villa, so as long as there are no major problems, Yunjin basically has no problems.

When sleeping at night, Shen Jiwei looked at her up and down, making Yun Jin feel embarrassed.

"What are you still looking at?" Yun Jin said with a smile.

"I want to talk to the baby. Also, if you have any discomfort these days, you must tell me immediately, you know?"

"I know." Yun Jin smiled mischievously.

Shen Jiwei smiled and said: "I'm going to take a bath. I'll come back to accompany you later. Be good."

He went into the bathroom and turned on cold water.

In the past few months, Yun Jin's belly is too big, for fear of hurting the baby, he has been holding back, and has not done anything to her.

Showering with cold water every night has become a necessary homework.

Yun Jin couldn't help but smile when he heard the sound of water in the bathroom.

As usual, she fought back to the royal family and asked about her parents and eldest brother.

The news from the royal family was still good or bad. Lu Zhanting and others did not return, but they were not injured either. They were still continuing their mission.

The old official smiled: "Miss, if there is no news, it is good news. If you trust the king and them, there will be no surprises."

"Yes. I believe that parents, eldest brother, and Jojo can all handle things well."

"When will the eldest lady return to the royal family?"

"Me?" Yunjin had some conclusions, "I'm still a little busy now. I will come back with my second brother in a while."

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