Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2303: Is a young master

Fearing that he would ask again, Yun Jin hung up the phone.

She thought for a while and called Lu Yiyang.

Lu Yiyang did not answer.

Yun Jin knew Lu Yiyang, he was already the most potential police officer when he was in college, and all three and four were internships in the police force.

After graduation, he dealt with important cases repeatedly.

Before Yun Jin called him several times, he was busy non-stop.

Therefore, during the recent period, Yunjin has had very little contact with relatives.

This time she made two consecutive calls, but Lu Yiyang did not answer.

Yunjin had to forget it first.

Shen Jiwei came out of the bathroom and stepped forward and kissed her belly: "Go to bed early. You can't sleep well every day, so you should have more rest."

"Yeah," Yun Jin dived into his arms, looking for a comfortable and suitable position in his arms.

Shen Jiwei was a little hot all over her body.

This little woman didn't know what she was making.

If it were not for her body, Shen Jiwei would have wiped her out.

Seeing her sweetly closing her eyes, Shen Jiwei forced herself to calm down too.

"Go to sleep." He patted her lightly and whispered.

She was tossed and awakened by the child several times every night, and in the last two months she didn't sleep at all.

How can Shen Jiwei not feel bad?

Yun Jin closed her eyes, she was indeed tired, and soon fell asleep.

Shen Jiwei hugged her, feeling her true sweetness, and the whole person's heart was filled with a sense of peace of mind.

In the middle of the night, Yun Jin was suddenly awakened by a burst of pain.

She clutched her belly, and said with difficulty: "Ji Wei...I feel so painful..."

"The baby is about to be born?" Shen Jiwei immediately got up and put on her coat, fearing that she would catch a cold, and said, "Don't be afraid, don't worry, take a deep breath."

He immediately sent people to inform the doctor, and walked out with Yunjin in his arms.

When the pain came, Yun Jin paled with pain.

Shen Jiwei strode downstairs, and the doctors and nurses rushed forward.

After getting in the car, the car drove directly to the hospital.

Yun Jin kept sweating in pain.

Shen Jiwei held her hand heartily: "Yun Jin, I am here, I am here, not afraid, not worried."

Yun Jin was too painful to speak, and sweat was all over her body.

She could only hold Shen Jiwei's hand tightly.

Soon after arriving at the hospital, she was sent to the operating room.

Shen Ji's only person was by her side, comforting her, holding her hand tightly, giving her strength.

Yun Jin didn't have the energy to speak, and she cried out instinctively.

Doctors and nurses shuttle back and forth.

Shen Jiwei was so distressed that he couldn't help but looked at her pale face.

She was about to bite her lips in pain.

If possible, Shen Jiwei hopes that he can replace her to bear all the pain.

But at this moment he can't do anything.

He could do nothing but guard her here.

Suffering is suffering from Yun Jin's body and Shen Jiwei's heart.

I don't know how long it took before I heard a loud cry.

The doctor said, "Congratulations to the young master and grandmother, you are a young master."

Shen Jiwei didn't have the mind to pay attention to the child, and immediately looked down at Yunjin.

Yun Jin fainted with her head due to loss of strength and pain.

"Doctor, doctor, how is my wife?" Shen Jiwei shouted, his voice trembling with anxiety.

"Master, grandma is so tired that she passed out. It will be all right in a while, don't worry."

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