Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2304: Younger brother

After hearing the doctor's words, Shen Jiwei was finally relieved.

Yun Jin was so pale that she was completely bloodless, and her lips were bitten, leaving a **** scab.

Shen Jiwei bowed his head distressedly and kissed her dry and bleeding lips, full of distress.

Yun Jin Tuoli fainted and has not woken up yet.

The doctor held the child in front of Shen Jiwei and whispered, "Master, grandma, and young master are safe."

"Okay." Shen Jiwei only glanced at the child. Although he has the joy and pride of being a father, his focus is still on Yun Jin, "Let people take good care of the child."

I'm afraid he won't take care of the children until Yun Jin wakes up.

Currently, he just wants to be with Yunjin.

At this moment, Shen Cheng rushed in and whispered in Shen Jiwei's ear: "Master, it's not good, there are a large number of police officers rushing over there, and they are confronted with their husband..."

The husband he said was Shen Jiwei's father, Shen Bingwang.

Shen Jiwei stood up immediately and said, "Go and see. I am guarding the Yunjin brocade here."

"I'm afraid you need to go there in person. My husband came to the news and said that one of the police chiefs who led the team was called Lu Yiyang. It is very likely that the younger grandmother's brother..."

"What?" Shen Jiwei had to pay attention.

He had never deliberately learned about Yun Jin's family background.

Even though Mo Yanbai appeared, he also thought that Yun Jin's identity background is likely to be much higher than he thought.

But once he was connected with the name Lu Yiyang, he was still shocked.

Compared with Lu Zhanting and Yunwei protecting Yunjin very well, and rarely revealing any news about her, the most well-known person is Lu Jingchen.

Anyone has heard of this name.

The name of Lu Yiyang is indeed rarely known among the public, but for Shen Jiwei who is in this business, this name is not unfamiliar.

It's just that he never thought that Yun Jin might be Lu Yiyang's younger sister?

Shen Jiwei had to first hand the fainted Yun Jin to the doctor and nurse, and walked out with Shen Cheng himself.

As he walked, he said, "Shen Cheng, send more people to protect Yunjin."

He immediately followed out.

When he went out, he realized that what Shen Cheng was talking about was not alarmist.

In the suburbs, Shen Bingwang and Lu Yiyang have already fought together.

The situation on the scene is no longer under control.

Shen Jiwei immediately arranged for someone to meet his father.

Shen Cheng inquired about the news again: "Master, this time it was Lu Yiyang who came to catch Mr. Yiyang. But I don’t know why, someone in the police force leaked the secret, which caused Lu Yiyang’s actions to be known by the husband. So now Mr. has time to resist. Otherwise, otherwise. , Has long been successful by Lu Yiyang."

Shen Jiwei's eyes narrowed slightly.

The Shen family had retreated to City D, and Jingzhou City was still chasing after him.

This time Lu Yiyang must also have conclusive evidence before he could really make a move.

Otherwise, with Lu Yiyang's temperament, it would be impossible to rush out rashly.

If Shen Bingwang is arrested, there will definitely be serious consequences this time.

Shen Ji is the only person to arrange for Shen Bingwang.

Thinking that Lu Yiyang was Yunjin's second brother, he ordered: "Shen Cheng, let them not hurt Lu Yiyang."

"Master, it's this time..." Shen Cheng puzzled.

"Do as I said!" Shen Jiwei sternly shouted.

Shen Cheng had no choice but to pass on the words.

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