Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2305: What to do with Lu Yiyang

Shen Jiwei called back to the hospital: "Is Yun Jin awake?"

"Master, grandma hasn't woke up yet. We will take good care of the child. Don't worry." The doctor replied politely.

Shen Jiwei relaxed and focused on this side.

When it was almost early in the morning, Shen Cheng came over and spread the word: "Master, the husband repelled the detective and caught Lu Yiyang. Please come over."

Shen Jiwei knew that his father was okay, so he was finally relieved.

But Lu Yiyang was caught?

I heard that in the past few years, Lu Yiyang, no matter what he has dealt with, he has never failed. This time he was killed?

"What's the situation on Lu Yiyang?" Shen Jiwei asked.

"Mr. said that he had already planted an undercover agent in the criminal police team. He was someone who no one would have thought of. With the help of other friends of husband, Lu Yiyang's failure this time is also a matter of course." Shen Cheng said with a smile. .

Shen Jiwei frowned.

He opened the door and walked into the villa.

There is still blood in the whole villa.

Shen Bingwang sat on the sofa, smoking a cigar, his blood was still wet, and his expression was relaxed and natural.

"Dad." Shen Jiwei stepped forward.

"Ji Wei, you came just right, and you just helped me. This Lu Yiyang is really more powerful than I thought. I have an undercover agent and friends help. This time the most people were dispatched. I didn't expect that in the end. You have to arrange for someone to come over to reluctantly win this match." Shen Bingwang admired Lu Yiyang quite a bit, but when speaking of it, he was very proud of winning the match.

Shen Jiwei said, "Where are the people from the Criminal Police Team?"

"Fleeing, walking away. But Lu Yiyang, I was caught alive."

Shen Jiwei sank in his heart and said: "What are you going to do with him?"

"He caused me to lose my army, and made such a big loss. I didn't have to do a big deal tonight. Of course, I have to think carefully about how to recover the loss from him." Shen Bingwang laughed. "Do you have any good ideas?"

"Let him go." Shen Jiwei said.

As soon as he said this, not to mention Shen Bingwang, even the people who followed Shen Bingwang were surprised: "Young Master, let Lu Yiyang go? Are you kidding me?"

"Of course it's not a joke." Shen Jiwei scanned them coldly.

Being forced by his gaze, these people suddenly didn't know what to say.

But everyone looked at each other and couldn't decide what they said deeply for Shen Jiwei.

Shen Bingwang took a cigar comfortably: "Let him go? Tell me what you think."

"Lu Yiyang is a well-known detective in Jingzhou City. Hundreds of pairs of eyes are watching. Even if we catch him, we can't do anything to him. If there is any damage to him, we may become the focus of the police."

Shen Bingwang squeezed the cigar into the ashtray and looked at Shen Jiwei strangely: "Ji Wei, you weren't like this before. Police, what are we afraid of? Why, are we now?"

"Dad, I'm just talking about strategy. And killing a police officer is of no benefit to us. Why do we do something that is unprofitable?"

"How could it be unprofitable?" Shen Bingwang's voice became serious, "Ji Wei, you don't know who's Lu Yiyang's son is, right? With him, it is not unprofitable."

Shen Jiwei was taken aback, he only knew that Lu Yiyang was Yun Jin's brother.

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