Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2308: He raised the child, please take care of yourself

Shen Bingwang has always been cruel, and the Shen family will have its current status if he says it.

If Lu Yiyang died... the feelings between Shen Jiwei and Yun Jin would also come to an end.

Perhaps from the very beginning, together with Yun Jin, he was doomed to be like this, without blessings and reaching the end.

Even if each other put all their efforts.

Shen Jiwei has no choice.

"Okay, I will leave her." He gritted his teeth.

"You'd better do what you say." Shen Bingwang put away the gun and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "This is my good son. Take back all the businesses you want to give up, you know? "

Shen Jiwei clenched his fist: "Okay."

"Lu Yiyang is now yours." Shen Bingwang smiled and took the people away, Zhi satisfied.

Shen Bingwang took everyone away.

Shen Cheng ran over immediately and said, "Master, what should I do now?"

"Bring the child back." His voice was very soft, like dust floating in the air.

Shen Cheng whispered: "Yes."

Shen Jiwei's meaning couldn't be more obvious, since he agreed to Shen Bingwang, he would not regret it.

He will not leave Yunjin, but he will leave the child.

Otherwise, Shen Bingwang's arbitrariness would still hurt everyone in the Lu family.

"Come back." Shen Jiwei suddenly stopped Shen Cheng.

Shen Cheng turned and went back.

Shen Jiwei whispered a few words.

Shen Cheng was shocked, and Shen Jiwei actually asked him to tell Yunjin that he has no feelings for Yunjin, everything is just using?

"Master, do you really want to do this?" Shen Cheng knew that Shen Jiwei had indeed thought about it before.

But later, even Shen Cheng gradually accepted Yun Jin, the young grandmother. She is chic and neat, generous, and generous to her subordinates.

"Do as I say." Shen Jiwei shouted sharply.

Shen Cheng could only go to the hospital.

When the doctor saw him coming, he smiled and said, "Master Cheng is here? My grandmother woke up and wanted to see the baby. We are going to take the baby."

"Child, give it to me." Shen Cheng reached out and took it.

The doctor was relieved to hand the child to Shen Cheng.

Shen Cheng handed the child to his subordinates and nanny, and said, "Send the villa to the young master first."

"Young Master Cheng, what does this do? Young grandma is still waiting to see the children." The doctor reminded.

"You don't need to worry about things here," Shen Cheng said, "I will take over."

Although the doctor hesitated a little, he knew that Shen Cheng was Shen Jiwei's confidant. Since Shen Cheng said so, the doctor couldn't control that much.

Shen Cheng sent the child away and went straight to the ward.

Yun Jin just woke up, still a little weak, saw him smile: "Shen Cheng, where is the baby?"

"Master brought the baby back to the villa." Shen Cheng said.

"Ji Wei took the child away? Why didn't he come to see me?" Yun Jin was a little confused.

When giving birth, Shen Jiwei was there the whole time, staying with her, guarding her and giving her strength.

But now, he is not here?

Shen Cheng opened his mouth and said, "My grandmother, my master said, he won't come over, he will take care of the child, and take care of yourself."

When Yun Jin heard this, she couldn't believe her ears: "What did you say? What did you say Ji Wei said?"

"Master said, he raised the child, please take care of yourself."

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