Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2309: Everything is revenge

"Why? Why is it like this?" Yun Jin couldn't believe it. She got up from the hospital bed. Because of her weakness, she fell down again. "What the **** does Ji Wei mean? I want to see him!"

Shen Cheng shook his head and said: "The young master said he would not see you anymore. He was not sincere when he was with you. Presumably the young grandma didn't really love the young master, so there was nothing to lose."

"Impossible!" Yun Jin shook his head, "I want to see him, I want to talk to him personally! There are children, I want to see children!"

"Young grandma must not remember. The person you fell in love with four or five years ago was called Song Yancheng, who was the twin brother of the young master. Later, because you were with other men, Song Yancheng died when he went undercover. Young master and Song Yancheng died. Because of this, your mother died of a heart attack. The young master is with you entirely because he wants to avenge you, his deceased brother and mother. As for you, the young lady, the person you originally loved should be Song Yancheng, no Is it?" Shen Cheng said.

These are what Shen Jiwei explained to him.

Seeing Yun Jin's weak face pale and gray, he didn't want to continue talking.

But Shen Jiwei explained that every word must be conveyed in place.

Shen Cheng had no choice but to say it word by word.

The words are sharp, and you can imagine what Yun Jin's mood is when he hears these words.

Yun Jin's tears fell in a daze. For a while, she couldn't remember so many things.

But she heard clearly what the words conveyed by Shen Cheng meant. Shen Jiwei had never loved her. All of this was just revenge.

She grabbed Shen Cheng: "Well, what Shen Jiwei thinks, I don't care."

When I said these words, my heart broke.

"But the child, the child is mine..." Yun Jin grabbed him pleadingly, "Please give me the child! I don't want anything, just the child!"

When I was pregnant in October, I already had deep feelings for the child.

A man can give up, but a child can never!

"My grandmother, the child has been taken away. I advise you to take good care of your body." After Shen Cheng finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Shen Cheng!" Yun Jin grabbed him pleadingly.

But Shen Cheng couldn't help it, he had to push Yunjin away.

Yunjin stood unstable and fell to the ground.

"Shen Cheng! Shen Cheng!" Yunjin shouted.

The nurse came up to help Yun Jin: "Young lady, you have just given birth, and you are so weak that you can't lie on the ground. Let me help you go to bed and rest."

"No, no, I don't rest, I want to see the child, where is my child? Where is my child?" Yun Jin held the nurse's hand.

The nurse comforted: "The child was taken home by the master, grandma, I think you should take a good rest."

"I want to call him, call Shen Jiwei." Yun Jin cried, and it took a long time to find the phone and call it.

But in response to her, there was only one sound "The user you dialed is turned off".

You can't find Shen Jiwei at all!

She called the landline of the villa.

But no one answered at all.

As if she was a scourge now, no one would care about her at all.

Yun Jin ran out desperately, trying to find Shen Jiwei at the villa, but fainted before he ran far.

The doctor and nurse rushed her back to the ward.

Outside the hospital, Shen Bingwang's car listened and asked his subordinates next to him: "Ji Wei, have things done well?"

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