Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2314: Why would he help

Shen Jiwei's voice appeared and said lightly: "It's not that easy to kill on my territory."

The killer was startled, and only then knew that Shen Jiwei had prepared.

Shen Bingwang took this move, and Shen Jiwei was not completely ignorant.

The father and son did not intend to give each other a chance at all.

"Go back and tell my dad that I have complied with the good things just said, and I ask him to obey it." Shen Ji's only shot was on the killer's usual wrist.

The killer immediately covered the wound. Although this injury was so serious that he could no longer take a gun for a short time, it would not break his career. Shen Jiwei was still merciful.

"Thank you, Young Master." The killer turned and left, and this sentence recognized that he was sent by Shen Bingwang.

But before Shen Jiwei could say anything, a subordinate ran over: "Master, someone broke in and moved towards us to Lu Yiyang's room."

"Go over now." Shen Jiwei sank in his heart.

It seems that he still underestimated his father's determination to kill Lu Yiyang.

The assassin he had arranged just now was just a slamming, diverting his attention.

Then he arranged for another person to come over and directly kill Lu Yiyang.

Shen Jiwei cursed secretly, **** it!

He really didn't expect his father to do this!

There was a noise in the villa, Shen Jiwei immediately followed, and Lu Yiyang had been moved to the room by him long ago.

However, the people sent by Shen Bingwang even knew Lu Yiyang's room.

Shen Jiwei and Shen Cheng rushed away.

The fighting in Lu Yiyang's room was already fierce.

Shen Jiwei's subordinates fell.

Lu Yiyang's situation is critical!

Shen Jiwei ventured in.

Shen Cheng pulled him: "Master, it's too dangerous inside, you can't go in like this."

"Let go!" Shen Jiwei shook him off, and if he didn't go in now, it would be too late.

He rushed in and saw that there was already a person beside Lu Yiyang. Judging from his appearance, he was obviously not from the Shen family, but he was protecting Lu Yiyang.

So the killer who just came in fell a lot.

Shen Ji's only surprise was that he touched Lu Yiyang's breath and found that his fever had not subsided, but his breath was stable and he was obviously not injured again.

"Who are you?" Shen Jiwei was very strange to the identity of the person who saved the life.

The man didn't say much, turned around and jumped out of the window, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

Shen Cheng rushed over: "Master, all the killers have been killed. But strangely, it was an outsider who did it... I don't know who that person is, what purpose does he have?"

"I saw it. He is the Chen Song next to my dad."

"Chen Song? He has always had a weird temper. If it weren't for Mr. Shen's re-use, others would have been very dissatisfied with him. Why... how could he come to help? Is it because the husband sent him? Or these killers are not The person arranged by the husband?" Shen Cheng was very puzzled.

Shen Jiwei knew in his heart that the killer could only be sent by Shen Bingwang.

And that Chen Song, he came to rescue Lu Yiyang spontaneously.

He didn't even look at it, and even deliberately concealed his figure. When solving the killer just now, the hand holding the gun was not the dominant hand.

Shen Jiwei had studied Shen Bingwang's confidant, and he would recognize him just now.

Otherwise, ordinary people would never see that it was him.

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