Why did Chen Song do this? Why did he go against Shen Bingwang's will to protect a Lu Yiyang who has nothing to do with him?

"But Master, why did Chen Song do this?" Shen Cheng was even more puzzled than Shen Jiwei.

"You arrange for someone to secretly investigate more information about Chen Song." Shen Jiwei immediately ordered.

He had known all his confidants around his father before.

But Chen Song's background information is very scarce. Shen Jiwei can't find out where he comes from and what identity background he has.

Shen Cheng responded immediately.

Soon, the Shen family villa returned to quiet.

The doctor also came.

This time, Shen Jiwei stayed by Lu Yiyang's side and did not leave for half a step.

The doctor took a lot of medical measures, and then said, "Master, the patient's fever has gone down, and now there is no major problem."

"Good." Shen Jiwei stood up and said, "accompany me to the best public hospital where the police station is located."

The doctor and subordinates act immediately.

Lu Yiyang was sent to the car.

Soon, the car arrived at the gate of the public hospital.

People at the police station received the news and are on their way.

Shen Jiwei asked Lu Yiyang to put down, and then he drove away slightly.

Within a few seconds, people at the police station found Lu Yiyang.

After removing the alert, they rushed directly in the direction of Lu Yiyang.

"Deputy Director, found the whereabouts of Officer Lu!"

"Notify the doctor, come here quickly!"

Lu Yiyang was sent to the best ward.

The deputy director hurried over from Jingzhou City to find Lu Yiyang's whereabouts.

The police also got news that Lu Yiyang was framed by an internal police officer when he was performing his mission. He was seriously injured and his whereabouts are unknown.

They have been looking for his whereabouts anxiously.

Now that he learned that he was still alive and rushed to the hospital, everyone was relieved.

Lu Yiyang is the youngest and most capable sergeant in the police station.

His existence has not only solved countless major and important cases, but has also set an excellent example for countless young people who aspire to become a police officer.

Moreover, he was framed by an insider of the police station, which is also a negligence of the police station.

After examining Lu Yiyang, the doctor breathed a sigh of relief and said to the deputy director: "Deputy Chief, Officer Lu is okay. His wound was very serious before, but it has been treated now, and now he only needs to rest.

"Great." The deputy director said, "It's just weird. I don't know where he went when he disappeared and who was rescued by him. It's so magical that people can't find it."

The doctors couldn't tell why, they only knew that Lu Yiyang was fine, and their responsibilities were reduced a lot.

While talking, a thin figure ran in.

"Yun Jin!" Mo Yanbai followed behind Yun Jin.

Yun Jin came after hearing the news.

Mo Yanbai couldn't even catch up with her.

At a glance, Yun Jin recognized the deputy director as the deputy director of a certain district in Jingzhou City. She immediately took him and asked, "Uncle Jiang, how is my second brother? Where is he?"

"Yun Jin, Lu Yiyang is okay. When he was sent back, the wound had already been treated." Deputy Director Jiang smiled.

"Really? Can I see him now?" Yun Jin asked immediately.

"I have someone to accompany you in."

"No need for Uncle Jiang," Mo Yanbai said, "I just accompany Yunjin in."

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