Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2319: Can't bear to blame her

Yun Jin smiled bitterly, her smile not reaching the bottom of her eyes: "Really? I have forgotten the time."

"Follow me back to Jingzhou City first." Lu Yiyang shook her hand, "Take a moment to go back and see your parents. All the elders miss you very much."

Yun Jin heard her eyes moist.

Her willfulness must have hurt the hearts of many elders.

Faced with their concern, she couldn't bear it.

"Yunjin." Lu Yiyang persuaded.

"Okay, I'll go back with you." Yun Jin didn't want to back down, even if she was close to hometown, she should go back to see the elders.

The only thing she can't let go of now is the baby.

After Lu Yiyang recovered from his injury, he left with Yunjin.

When I got on the plane, I saw the clouds scattered all around, and Yunjin's heart also drifted far away with these.

Those memories of the past are deeply engraved in my heart, but with the changes of the world, they become so ironic.

The sincere heart that had been given, now think of it, let her deep into her bones, and it hurts her heart.

Lu Yiyang shook her hand and did not speak.

Mo Yanbai sat aside, and Lu Yiyang could comfort Yunjin so much.

But he couldn't even hold her hand.

Maintaining an alienated relationship, Yun Jin will at least not refuse him thousands of miles away.

Too close, she would leave like a frightened bunny.

Back to the long-lost Jingzhou City.

This time, Yun Jin and Shen Jiwei's affairs can no longer be hidden from the elders.

Almost all of them had heard the story from Mo Yanbai or Lu Yiyang.

But when I saw Yunjin, no one mentioned a word.

They know that every time they mention it, they will sprinkle salt on her wound, so naturally they won't say much.

They will only stand up to help when Yunjin needs it, and will not easily sympathize with such cheap feelings.

Yunjin is very grateful to them.

In the past few days when she came back, Ming Lang, they all accompany her to wander around and relax, trying to help her drive away the sadness in her heart.

Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei also returned from missions in the peacekeeping force.

Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao came back together.

After hearing about Yunjin, they rushed to Jingzhou City without waiting for Yunjin to return.

When Yun Jin saw her parents' elder brother and sister-in-law, she couldn't hide the guilt in her heart, stepped forward and hugged Yun Wei's shoulder: "Mom, I'm sorry. I'm sorry to worry you..."

"Don't cry, be good." Yun Wei hugged her, feeling that she had lost a lot of weight, and her whole body had lost its former glory.

Lu Zhanting and Lu Jingchen stood by, not only distressed, but distressed.

They really can't bear to blame Yun Jin for such a thing.

Especially when Yun Jin fell into feelings with Shen Jiwei, he didn't know his identity.

They have all experienced emotional matters, knowing that the moment is uncontrollable, and they also know that feelings are the most nurturing and the most hurtful thing.

Lu Jingchen stepped forward and stretched out his long arms to embrace Yun Jin and Yun Wei.

Yun Jin looked at him guiltily: "Brother, I always wanted to come back and tell you about this... I'm sorry, I was too capricious, and I was too careless."

"Don't blame you, Yunjin. We all know about this." Lu Jingchen also regretted that he had focused on national affairs before, but he didn't even pay attention to such a big thing as Yunjin.

I thought that giving her enough freedom would allow her to live a good life, but who knew she missed her a lot.

Lu Zhanting said in a deep voice, "Okay, let's end this matter."

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