Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2320: Family power

"But Dad, and Yunjin's child... That is the blood of the Lu family, and it must not be used as a tool for Shen Jiwei." Lu Jingchen said immediately, "I will definitely bring the child back."

"Big Brother!" Yun Jin stopped him, "The child is mine. I will take care of this matter myself. You don't have to worry about it."

"Do you still want to go back to City D again?" Lu Jingchen really felt sorry for her. Seeing how vigorous and energetic she was before, his smile changed people's hearts.

And now, she has lost those agility and liveliness, like a lifeless puppet doll.

As the eldest brother, he already blames himself very much, how could he see her continue like this?

Yun Jin is even more guilty than him: "Brother, you have national affairs and housework to deal with. Busier than I am, I will make you messy. I really can't bear you and your parents worry about my affairs anymore."

She walked over and said sincerely: "You still have so many things to worry about. You have to take care of Qiaoqiao and Wenxuan. I want to deal with my affairs by myself."

She looked at each of them with sincerity and gratitude in her eyes, already guilty.

Qiaoqiao couldn't bear to shook her hand: "Yunjin..."

Lu Zhanting finally spoke and said, "Okay, Yun Jin, handle your affairs yourself. But the premise is that you can't hurt yourself. No matter what, you are the most important thing for your parents and your family, you know?"

"Yes, thank you Dad." Yun Jin hugged Lu Zhanting, grateful.

"Okay, I will let you do this matter. But it won't make you mess up. I will arrange for someone to protect you by your side in the future. If you have any accidents, I will let the eldest brother and the second brother replace you at any time. You go to deal with this matter."

"Well. If I don't take care of it, please let the eldest brother and second brother help at any time.

Yun Wei also stepped forward and looked at her daughter with a smile. No matter what, no matter what happened to Yun Jin, she would stand beside Yun Jin, her strongest backing.

It is precisely because of the support of her family and the warm harbor of the family that Yun Jin can let go and try all the life she wants to live.

Even if it was a trial and error, even if there was aggrieved blood and tears, there were them behind, giving her the strength to stand up again.

This is the love of the family and the meaning of the family.

Yun Jin is still in the arms of his father, just like the child who hadn't grown up.

Yun Wei, Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao all showed knowing smiles.

Lu Zhanting smiled and said, "Well, the family hasn't been together for a long time. What do you want to eat tonight?"

"I want to eat the dishes made by Aunt Hitomi. It's been a long time since I have eaten the dishes made by her. I feel like I'm drooling just when I hear her name." Yun Jin smiled, it was rare that it was sunny. .

"Actually, I also miss the dishes made by my aunt." Lu Jingchen smiled. "Qiaoqiao hasn't eaten the dishes made by his aunt himself, right?"

Qiao Qiao smiled: "Yes, I have been thinking about it for a long time because of you."

"Why, let's go to my uncle's house tonight." Lu Zhanting smiled, "but my uncle loves my aunt, and our large group of people go over..."

"I'm going to buy a gift!" Yun Jin immediately raised his hand and said, "I always go to talk, and I can't get it right. I will go out with Qiaoqiao for a stroll."

"Go. Let's relax." Lu Zhanting laughed.

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