Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2322: If she has an accident

"Forget it, second brother. I have nothing to do with him anymore." Yun Jin squeezed out a smile, "Why care who he likes and what he does?"

"I'm just so angry that this **** can play with your feelings so much." Lu Yiyang said bitterly.

Yun Jin shook his head: "For those who are not worthy, what is there to be angry with, right?"

"Yun Jin, have you really forgotten him?"

"Really, second brother." Yun Jin laughed, "Don't worry, our Lu family are not fragile flowers, flowers and grasses, why can there be any problems? Isn't it just being tricked into marriage by a scumbag? What's so great about this? Things? Don't worry."

Lu Yiyang took her shoulders and said, "It's okay if you really think like this. To get rid of a scumbag, to leave an inappropriate marriage, it should be a bright future!"

"The sea is wide and the sky is wide!" Yun Jin shouted towards the sky.

Lu Yiyang rubbed her hair: "Go, I will accompany you back to the apartment."

After Yunjin returned to City D, he still worked at the Transportation Bureau.

She has half a year before she can be transferred, transferred back to Jingzhou City, or returned to the police station.

She plans to take advantage of this six months to find Shen Jiwei to get the child.

Lu Yi raised the ticket in his hand and smiled: "Okay, I will take you to work and then go to the airport."

"Yeah." Yun Jin nodded and smiled.

When he arrived at the Transportation Bureau, Yun Jin realized that it was indeed the right choice to let Lu Yiyang accompany him to work.

As soon as he walked in, Zou Xue looked like he was watching a good show, and straightened up and said, "Yunjin, are you finally back? I heard that you are divorced. If you don't get divorced, you really treat us as a public place. Come, don’t come if you don’t want to come."

Zou Xue looked at Yun Jin with a good face.

Zou Zhengke has spotted Lu Yiyang standing behind Yun Jin.

The last time Lu Yiyang handled the case of the Shen family, Zou Zhengke already knew that his identity was Police Officer Lu in Jingzhou City. When he was in City D, almost everyone treated him respectfully, showing his outstanding status.

He hurriedly stopped Zou Xue: "As long as you talk a lot, starting from today, you will be transferred to field duties, and you will not be back in three months!"

"Uncle!" Zou Xue stomped nonchalantly.

Her gaze fell on Lu Yiyang again, seeing that he was of extraordinary figure, she immediately adjusted her emotions and smiled at Lu Yiyang.

Unfortunately, Lu Yiyang didn't look at her directly.

Zou Zhengke stepped forward and held Lu Yiyang's hand: "Officer Lu, did you personally send Yunjin to work?"

Lu Yiyang had already seen that this Zou Xue was a troublemaker.

His face sank, and he said, "My sister took a vacation for a while, and now she is back to work. Director Zou, I personally handed over my sister to you. If she has any accident..."

"No, no, officer Lu, rest assured, I will let someone take care of Yunjin. Yunjin used to work here and worked very happily, isn't it, Yunjin?" Zou Zhengke said kindly.

Yun Jin smiled faintly and did not answer. Zou Zhengke looked embarrassed and added: "Don't worry, Officer Lu, I'll be okay."

He patted his chest to make sure.

As soon as Zou Xue heard that Zou Zhengke was going to give Lu Yiyang and Yun Jin face, she knew that what she had said just now had collided with Lu Yiyang, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, I was quick to talk, but I didn't mean anything..."

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