Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2323: Unusually attractive

Lu Yiyang just glanced at her, Zou Xue was so happy that he would fly out when he saw it.

"Better not. If there is, I will never let anyone go." Lu Yiyang's flat voice contained a deep threat.

Zou Xue shrank her shoulders as she hid like a quail.

Lu Yiyang exhorted Yunjin again and patted her on the shoulder: "Call me if you have something."

"I'll call you if it's okay." Yun Jin smiled.

Lu Yiyang was relieved and turned and left.

Zou Xue deliberately wanted to ridicule Yunjin with a few words. Zou Zhengke looked at her, and his face collapsed: "Don't hurry up to work? If you dare to cause trouble for me, then really don't stay!"

Zou Xue hurried to be honest.

The last time she caused Zou Zhengke's son to break his finger, Zou Zhengke almost broke with her. If it weren't for his family to beg for pity, he begged his father and grandmother to find Zou Zhengke and let her stay. She would have left.

Now Zou Zhengke warned her that she really did not dare to mess around again.

Yun Jin sat down to work.

When she got off work at noon, she simply checked and found that Shen Jiwei spent a lot of time drinking and living very extravagantly during this time, either in KTV or in bars.

He even kept calling women back to the villa to spend the night, making lavish moves and indulging in it all day long.

Yun Jin clenched his fists. Why would he take his son away like this?

In order to retaliate against her, even hurt such a small child, his own son?

A man who is addicted to female **** and wine every day has any qualifications to be a good father?

Shen Jiwei's phone could not be reached for a long time, and Yun Jin went directly to his villa in the evening.

In the villa, the lights were brightly lit, and there was laughter from men and women. It was obvious that there was a party inside.

There are countless men and women coming and going, constantly walking in.

Yunjin also appeared at the door.

She just stood at the door, and some of her subordinates recognized her and reached out to stop her: "You can't go in."

"I want to see Shen Jiwei!" Yun Jin said, she just wanted to see the child, "Let me in."

The subordinate stopped her: "Master ordered, anyone can enter, but you can't. Young lady...Miss Lu, please don't make it difficult for us."

Yunjin's heart was aching, she just wanted to see her child.

At this moment, Shen Ji only spent time and drink, but the child must be alone.

She thought for a moment, and immediately went to the nearest shopping mall, put on a long dress, and painted heavy makeup.

In the mirror, she is charming and charming, like a beautiful flower in full bloom in the dark night.

Yunjin once again appeared in Shen's villa.

A young rich second generation just appeared at the door, about to go in.

When he saw Yunjin, his eyes lit up.

"This lady, do you have no companions?" he asked with a smile.

"Why, doesn't this gentleman have any female companions?" There was a smile on Yun Jin's face. She seldom wears heavy makeup or even makeup.

When she wears heavy makeup, she is unusually attractive, as if she wants to take up all the eyes of people.

"You...can you be my female companion?" Fu Erdai was completely gone by her winks.

"Okay." Yun Jin put his hand on his arm.

When she and Fu Erdai appeared at the door, the subordinates didn't stop her at all and let her in.

"My name, Miss?" Fu Erdai's eyes seemed to stick to Yun Jin.

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