Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2324: Tied by her

As soon as she walked in, Yun Jin didn't want to make false claims with him, and smiled: "I want to go to the bathroom."

After speaking, she turned and left. The rich second generation's eyes looked straight, but she didn't realize that Yun Jin was just looking for an excuse to leave.

After Yun Jin left, immediately went to the nanny room and baby room to look for.

She still remembers that when she was pregnant with the baby, Shen Jiwei said that she would decorate a baby room next to their master bedroom on the third floor.

At first, when she was about to give birth, Shen Jiwei was already making arrangements.

Looking back on this now, everything seemed so ironic.

She quickly reached the third floor and opened the baby room. The room was empty and there was nothing.

Don't talk about children, there is not even a crib.

The whole room was prepared to pretend to be a baby's room, but it was obvious that Shen Jiwei had no plans to let the child live here. He didn't prepare for anything, nothing.

Yun Jin turned and ran towards the nanny room. The child is not here, so he must be in the nanny room.

When she just ran to the living room, a group of guards came up and invited: "Lady, the game at the party is about to begin, please go to the garden."

Yunjin had no choice but to walk into the garden with them first.

The garden is full of wine and perfume.

By the pool, a group of men and women are dancing close to each other, all in high spirits.

Yun Jin saw Shen Jiwei sitting on the recliner at a glance. He was only wearing a bath towel, showing strong muscles, holding a red wine glass in his hand, his eyes indifferent and distant.

Sometimes women stepped forward, crooked in his arms.

Don't look away from Yun Jin, she didn't want to watch this scene more.

She just wondered in her heart which room the child could be in.

Shen Jiwei took a sip of the red wine. The woman beside him wanted to kiss him. He tilted his head impatiently. The woman didn't even touch his chin.

"Only Shao." The woman acted like a baby.

Shen Jiwei suddenly felt that his eyes were tied.

Through the crowd, he saw a familiar figure standing by the pool at a glance.

He recognized Yun Jin's figure, how many figures had appeared when she dreamed back at midnight.

Tonight, she is wearing a black dress with a short style, which sets off her figure perfectly.

She put on makeup, but she didn't expect that she with heavy makeup would be so beautiful and enchanting and depressing.

Shen Jiwei thought about it countless times that she would definitely appear for the sake of her children, but she never thought about it in this way.

Just when Shen Ji was looking straight at Yun Jin, and Yun Jin was thinking about which room Shen Jiwei would put the child in, a short, fat and greasy middle-aged man appeared beside Yun Jin.

"Hi, beauty, have a drink with the uncle." The greasy middle-aged man was about to touch Yun Jin with his oily hands.

How could Yun Jin's skill be touched by him, a flash of disgust flashed between his brows.

"Beauty, Brother Neng, I'm such a face with a face, and I'm a guest at only a few parties, and I don't even give you this little face?"

Yun Jin held up a mocking smile and didn't want to cause trouble: "I came with my male companion, sorry."

This brother Neng felt a little upset: "Beauty, should I find a better excuse for rejecting me?"

He stretched out a pair of big greasy hands again, pressing Yun Jin's chin.

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