Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2328: Perverted dream

"Master, now Lu Yiyang has gone back, why didn't you tell the young grandma? It would be bad for her to leave her alone." Shen Cheng said eagerly.

In the past, he did not have a good impression of Yun Jin, and felt that she was not worthy of his master.

Now Yun Jin has given birth to Shen Jiwei without hesitation, and he has changed his mind a long time ago, wishing Yun Jin and Shen Jiwei together.

Shen Jiwei still didn't answer, and said, "Shen Bingwang, please pay close attention to his movements."

He stood up, asked to take care of the child, and returned to his room.

It is not the right time for Yunjin to come back.

It was not the right time for him to find Yunjin.

Since he found out the true identity of Shen Bingwang six months ago, he has been planning his own business.

He will never forget the shock the moment he found out the truth!

It turns out that Shen Bingwang is not his biological father and Song Yancheng.

When Shen Bingwang was pursuing his mother, her mother didn't like him.

His mother liked someone else, but Shen Bingwang struggled to marry his mother.

In fact, when his mother married Shen Bingwang, she was pregnant with him and Song Yancheng, but she didn't even know about it.

The forced feelings are not good, and my mother is not willing to be with Shen Bingwang.

She wanted to leave countless times. In the end, Shen Bingwang finally agreed after she was forced to die countless times.

He wanted to use his two sons to attack Song Mother and the biological father of these two sons.

So when divorced, he even asked Song mother to take away only one son, leaving one behind.

Song Yancheng and Shen Jiwei took two completely opposite paths, which made him the most exciting thing.

He wished that the two brothers would fight directly and fight to death so that he could fulfill his perverted dream.

But Song Yancheng was sensible and intelligent, and Shen Jiwei had not taken over the family business for a long time, which made him very distressed.

It can be said that when Song Yan became an undercover agent, he did a lot of things in it.

Shen Jiwei originally admired and respected this father and loved him deeply. Even if he did not approve of his career, he never really resisted.

Even a few years ago, I started to really accept the family business,

It was not until these things were found that he completely subverted all his concepts of the image of his father.

It turns out that all Shen Bingwang's cultivation of him is just to make him the kind of person his mother hates most, so that he can stand in the center of the whirlpool and cannot get out.

What does Song mother hate most? Shen Bingwang follows what kind of model to train Shen Jiwei.

When Shen Jiwei wanted to see his mother, he had to pretend to be Song Yancheng.

Otherwise, his mother would never see him.

That's why Yun Jin mixed up with him and Song Yancheng for the first time.

As early as six months ago, when Shen Jiwei found out the truth about Shen Bingwang's affair, he started to turn his career in the right direction.

And at that time, he had the heart to let Yun Jin leave first.

Because he knows best that once he really falls in love with a woman, then this woman will definitely be the first target of Shen Bingwang.

And she will definitely be his only weakness.

It was just that Yun Jin was pregnant at that time, and he really had no way to abandon her and stay with her.

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