Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2329: No one can do it

Until Shen Bingwang really used Yunjin as a target, forcing him to do things according to his wishes.

Until Lu Yiyang's life was threatened, Shen Jiwei had to bear the pain and part with Yun Jin.

And now, what he has to do is to counterattack Shen Bingwang comprehensively and thoroughly!

Shen Cheng came over and brought him the clothes ironed by the servant.

"How is the child?" Shen Jiwei asked.

"Sleep very soundly."

"It's okay, you can go down first."

Shen Cheng hesitated to say something but stopped: "Should we arrange a few people to protect the young lady?"

"No, I checked. Her father and brother have someone arranged. Shen Bingwang will not dare to do anything to her." Fortunately, her identity is different, and Shen Jiwei at least does not need to worry about her safety.

If Shen Bingwang knew that he and Yun Jin were secretly dating, it would be even more difficult for him to overthrow the entire Shen family.

"In addition, the true identity between Shen Bingwang and me is the top secret. No one except us can know."

"Yes, Master." Shen Cheng understood his thoughts. Since Shen Bingwang is deliberately trying to deal with him, he will definitely fight back with all his strength.

Shen Jiwei has now invested a lot of money into the right path.

It is extremely difficult to get ashore from the gray and black businesses of the Shen family.

In the past, almost no one could do this.

No one can completely wash away the stains on his body, and no one can really land ashore smoothly.

But Shen Cheng believes that his young master must be able to!

Shen Cheng turned and left.

After Shen Jiwei took a shower, the faces of his mother and Yun Jin appeared alternately.

He remembered that every time he went to see his mother, she was so bitter, persuading him not to follow Shen Bingwang, and to do his own business with peace of mind.

Unfortunately, at that time, how did he know that Shen Bingwang was not his biological father, and how did he know that his cultivation of himself was just a conspiracy.

He had quarreled with his mother, had a cold war, he had broken his mother's heart, just as he had broken Yun Jin's heart now.

And Yun Jin... how is she now, okay... Will she weep and sad because she misses her baby?

It's not that he is unwilling to tell Yunjin the truth.

He really didn't want to involve her in, and she became Shen Bingwang's direct target.

I also don't want Lu Family or Yunjin to become a tool used by Shen Bingwang.

As long as he doesn't care about Yunjin, Shen Bingwang will at least not pay much attention to what Yunjin is doing and what his identity is.

Now, when she left his side, it was the person he hated and hated, so she could stay away from this matter and not be involved.

So even if she stood in front of him, he would only treat it as a mistake.

Yun Jin was tired and fell asleep slowly.

When I woke up the next day, I felt the traces of dry tears on my eyes, which made my eyes tense.

She quickly packed up and went to work.

A few days later, Mo Yanbai also came over.

When Yun Jin saw that it was him, she instinctively wanted him to go back as soon as possible.

She is in this situation, and she doesn't want to occupy his time and delay everything.

"I'm here on a business trip and I'll find you for a meal. Isn't it impossible?" Mo Yanbai smiled, "Even brother and sister friendship is gone?"

Yun Jin could not refuse any more, because that would appear to be hypocritical.

She nodded: "Okay, then I invite you."

"In fact, I also want to ask, have you thought about how to take the child away, and what can I do for you?" Mo Yan asked with a smile.

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