Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2330: Pregnant with Shen Jiwei's child

"Not yet, if so, I'll ask you for help." Yun Jin smiled, "Let's go, go eat first."

Yun Jin walked with Mo Yanbai.

Now she spoke a lot less, and Mo Yanbai didn't speak much.

This is the path she chose. He has already chosen to retreat, and now he will only be by her side and will not disturb her state of mind.

If she needs it, he will come forward.

Mo Yanbai stayed by her side in silence.

He already felt it was enough to have this opportunity to be with her and to accompany her as a brother.

When I arrive at the restaurant, I am afraid of what comes.

Just sitting down, I saw a familiar figure sitting next door, Shen Jiwei.

Yun Jin wanted to leave, but did not want to show weakness.

She has nothing to do with him. The restaurant is a place where everyone can come. Even if the road is narrow, she doesn't have to give in.

Mo Yanbai also saw Shen Jiweizai.

If it weren't for Yunjin here, Mo Yanbai would really go up and beat Shen Jiwei severely.

He didn't want to affect Yun Jin's mood, so he held back his fist about to move.

"Brother Xiaobai, let's order food." Yun Jin said with a smile, watching the menu in front of her with her eyes.

Mo Yanbai took the menu to order.

Shen Jiwei also discovered their existence, but didn't do anything, he didn't even look over here.

Jin Wanrou walked in and yelled softly: "Shao Wei, you came so early. I'm sorry, Shao Wei, I am in a traffic jam..."

Since Shen Jiwei is a woman like a cloud, Jin Wanrou has also become a frequent visitor to Shen's villa.

In public, Shen Jiwei needs such a high-profile woman without any self-knowledge, so that outsiders can know how much Shen Jiwei is, and there are so many women.

Jin Wanrou sat down beside Shen Jiwei, and suddenly saw Yunjin too.

She couldn't help but said, "Yi Shao, who is that? Isn't it Yunjin? Am I dazzled?"

Shen Jiwei didn't speak, Jin Wanrou now especially wanted to show up in front of Yun Jin.

In the past, Mo Yanbai and Shen Jiwei had let go of harsh words to Yunjin.

Now Shen Jiwei is the person on her side, she is still afraid that a small cloud will not be achieved?

"I don't know who it is." Shen Jiwei said lightly.

With his words, Jin Wanrou seemed to have received the imperial decree and walked past Yun Jin tenderly.

She smiled and said: "Yun Jin, I haven't seen you for a long time, why have you lost weight recently?"

Yun Jin glanced at her and said, "I don't like being disturbed when I eat. I hope you won't disturb my peace."

"Yun Jin, we are friends anyway. Brother Xiaobai, don't you think?"

Mo Yanbai's face sank: "Yun Jin said, she doesn't want to be disturbed."

Mo Yanbai rejected Jin Wanrou's confession, Jin Wanrou felt unconvinced.

Now she has a better man, Shen Jiwei, who deliberately wants to find face in front of Mo Yanbai, and said: "I know you don’t like me because I got what you didn’t get. Master Mo, in fact, you and me It’s a pity for the same disease, so why bother to **** for tat? Yun Jin, don’t forget, you are now divorced, and none of you have any proud capital. And I, already pregnant with Shen Jiwei’s child!

Having said this, her pride has nowhere to be released, and she can't wait for a group of people around to applaud her, setting off her pride and perfection.

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