Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2357: There is no room for recovery

When Lu Yiyang heard this, his heart vibrated extremely.

It turns out that the person Yun Jin fell in love with was Shen Jiwei.

Song Yancheng smiled and said: "It's not just Yunjin, do you remember that after you were injured last time, Shen Bingwang kept trying to kill you. It was Shen Jiwei who rescued you desperately. It was also the same time that Shen Bingwang threatened him to leave Yunjin. He wanted to protect him. Your fate, so I promised."

"So... all of this is a misunderstanding?" Lu Yiyang was even more surprised.

"Yes. He paid a lot for Yunjin. Although he did have hatred when he first came into contact with Yunjin. But in the end, he was not willing to hurt Yunjin by half."

Lu Yiyang murmured a little: "He could have told Yun Jin, or ours."

"For Yunjin, he loves more than hates. How did he tell Yunjin, he told Yunjin that with Yunjin's temperament, he would watch him commit the risk alone and not bear it for him? You are Yunjin's second Brother, you know Yunjin best."

"Indeed, Yunjin is a girl who can share happiness and hardship together. People who give her sincerely will not abandon it."

"So why is Shen Jiwei willing to drag her into the water? It hurt her only for a while, and he was afraid that she would be killed by it."

"Yes... he really knows Yunjin." Lu Yiyang lowered his head and admitted.

"As for why I didn't tell you... Yun Jin knows you very well, and I know, but from Shen Jiwei's perspective, you are all strangers. And you are a police officer, who is he? He told you, could it be Do you want to rely on you to protect him? His pride and self-esteem are impossible to allow, and he can't believe you in everything. Besides, there are no ghosts around you, are they?"

Lu Yiyang had to admit that he was Shen Jiwei, and he could only choose Shen Jiwei to do so.

People with different positions have no way to choose to cooperate with each other.

The slight difference is that you put your own life and the lives of those around you in the hands of others. Where can you control yourself comfortably?

Therefore, even if Shen Jiwei wants to take risks, it is impossible for Shen Jiwei to give everything he has to others, unless the overall situation is determined.

Song Yancheng pleaded: "Officer Lu, although Shen Jiwei has done a lot of wrong things, it is not that there is no room for recovery."

"But even if he has done meritorious service, but because he has done so many things before, it is impossible to get rid of crime completely." Lu Yiyang said.

"I understand. It may be because he understands that he doesn't want to involve anyone anymore, so as not to make you feel embarrassed with Yun Jin." Song Yancheng reacted and said, "Yes, he doesn't want Yun Jin to embarrass you, so he just... ...For himself, and for all his brothers, to bear the blame. That's why he is like this..."

Understanding this, Song Yancheng suddenly said: "No, you can't let him do this..."

If Shen Jiwei does this, what will Yunjin do? What about the child?


On the other side, Yun Jin went to see Shen Jiwei.

Shen Jiwei's current sentence has not yet been completed, and he is still being held in the interrogation room.

Yun Jin stepped in.

When she saw Yunjin, Shen Jiwei's expression changed. For a while, looking at her figure, she felt a little blurred in her eyes.

She didn't describe her haggard like that anymore, and she recovered a lot of anger.

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