Shen Jiwei understood that it was because she must have known that the child was still alive and took the child back.

Seeing her like this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Yun Jin sat down and sat opposite Shen Jiwei.

Shen Jiwei hasn't changed much. He has always been in a white shirt and black suit. He looks very energetic.

Only at this moment, it seems a little bit decadent.

Yun Jin paused, walked towards him, and sat down in front of the chair in front of him.

"Shen Jiwei, I have some questions for you, please cooperate."

"Good." Shen Jiwei nodded.

Yun Jin spread out the information, raised her eyes to look at him, already concealing the throbbing in her heart, and calmly asked: "Why did you appear at the scene of the crime the night we arrested Shen Bingwang?"

"I will meet him. It just didn't work."

"Then why did you wait until the officer arrived, instead of taking him away, you helped the officer catch him?"

Shen Jiwei was very calm and said lightly: "Because...because they are surrounded anyway, there is no possibility of escape. So..."

"So you sent your biological father to the police station?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Shen Jiwei provoked a smile.

Yun Jin looked at his eyes seriously: "For what?"

"No reason."

"Is it your own purpose to bring yourself in?"

Shen Jiwei looked back at her: "This has nothing to do with you."

He didn't want to add any more embarrassment to the Lu Family. It was impossible for him to get rid of sin for what he had done.

If he really had to go to jail, he would never drag down the entire Lu Family and Yun Jin.

I don't want to shame my child because of a father like him.

"What about the evidence? The evidence given by Song Yancheng is not something that people at his level can get. His evidence is not something he can get by himself!" Yun Jin asked, "How do you explain it? at this point?"

"He has a lot of methods that I don't know, and this is normal." Shen Jiwei looked at her calmly, "So, don't you need to ask me more questions?"

Yunjin's summary: "You..."

"Yun Jin, do what you should do." Shen Jiwei said softly.

Yun Jin was about to speak, Song Yancheng and Lu Yiyang walked in together.

When Shen Jiwei saw Song Yancheng, his face changed slightly.

Didn't he tell him not to come over? Why are you here now?

"Shen Jiwei, what are you doing?" Song Yancheng asked loudly as soon as they met, "Do you think this is great? Why don't you tell Yunjin the truth?"

Yun Jin knew that things were not simple, and Shen Jiwei must have concealed something.

But what was the truth inside, she didn't dare to think about it carefully.

The past painful memories, almost every time she thinks about it, will make her experience a painful experience, so she just wants to follow the procedures and do things well, not wanting to speculate on what Shen Jiwei is thinking.

"Song Yancheng is enough for you." Shen Jiwei stopped him. "The things that should be done have already been completed, what else to say? You better shut up!"

"Shen Jiwei, I will give you time." Lu Yiyang interrupted them, "Yun Jin, you go out with me for a while."

Yun Jinxiu's eyebrows clustered slightly.

I always feel that they are hiding things from her, but she doesn't know what it is.

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