Going out with Lu Yiyang, she asked, "Second brother, what is going on, what happened?"

"Song Yancheng told me many things about Shen Jiwei." Lu Yiyang looked at Yun Jin's eyes, and told Yun Jin what Song Yancheng had said just now.

Yun Jin listened to all these things, and the storm surged in her heart.

She can barely stand steady.

"Yun Jin, Song Yancheng said, Shen Jiwei saved me and saved you and your children... He even grabbed Shen Bingwang with his own hands and showed all the evidence that could convict Shen Bingwang." Lu Yiyang sighed softly. "He just knows that his crime can't be completely escaped, so he doesn't want to involve you and us anymore, so he will give all the evidence to Song Yancheng, and he will be completely out of the matter. He may even want to entrust you and your children to Song Yancheng... …"

"Why did he do that!" Yun Jin roared, biting his lips slightly, "Why does he do this? He thinks he wants to arrange us as he wants... and then he will take care of everything by himself?"

Lu Yiyang hugged Yunjin: "Yunjin, we blamed him. His life is not better than us. Yunjin..."

Yun Jin lay in his arms, tears slipping quietly.

Thinking of everything that Shen Jiwei had to her at the time, he originally thought that the good was false, and the bad was his sincerity carved into his bones.

Now that everything turned over, I realized that he had done so many things for him and his children.

Lu Yiyang was holding Yunjin, and he was very emotional for a while.

In the interrogation room, only Shen Jiwei and Song Yancheng were present.

Song Yancheng stepped forward and grabbed his collar across the table: "Shen Jiwei, you are ready to tell Yunjin nothing, and then do it yourself?"

"Isn’t what I told you before is not clear enough? The evidence is all handed over to you, why do you want to mix it up?" Shen Jiwei gritted his teeth and said, "I am a sinner, and I can’t clean it anyway . And Yunjin is not the same as a child. I have pulled her into my whirlpool and took on so much. Will she have to take on more in the future? In her capacity, how can she afford so much? Don’t Make her embarrassed."

"If you don't embarrass her, will you embarrass you?"

"I have nothing to be embarrassed about. What I have to bear now is what I should bear." Shen Jiwei said calmly, "I did something wrong and pulled her into my world. If I didn't take her into it at the time, Pulling into my life, she will not experience this. It is always my fault that she and her children do not have to bear so much."

Song Yancheng asked, "So you plan to push her away so that everything has nothing to do with her?"

"Isn't it?" Shen Jiwei said, "She doesn't use it to bear this, nor does the child need it."

He looked at Song Yancheng and said: "In the future, she can live a new life, a life that has nothing to do with me, is her correct life. What status do you want to live without her? Her status, if you come to protect me again , With me, not only her, but her father and brother will be boycotted in the country and have encountered a lot of trouble. If it were you, would you be willing to let her bear so much?"

Song Yancheng understood that he would rather Yun Jin hurt at this moment than she would carry the things that she shouldn't have.

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