Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2362: Happy girl

"In the future, he will naturally meet a girl who loves each other." Ming Ye sneered, looking down at the child Lin Motong was holding, "Yun Jin children are so old, and Shen Jiwei is not a real bad person. Don't help them?"

"Yeah." Lin Motong nodded lightly, "Look at Yunjin's child, Xiuyuan, now he is behaved. I haven't taken a child for a long time, and staying with him is like returning to my youth. Bringing clarity at that time."

"If you really like children, we can have another one." Ming Ye sneered.

Lin Motong angrily said: "You, the children are so old, you still say such things, you are not ashamed. People Yunjin and Zhan Ting children have them."

"We are not old either." Ming Ye looked at Lin Motong coldly, with eyes full of doting.


Mo Yanbai is helping Shen Jiwei find a lawyer, and Yun Jin is also involved.

"Although Shen Jiwei was involved in Shen Bingwang's business before, this time Shen Bingwang was handed over to the police by him. As well as all kinds of evidence, he also handed in most of it." Yun Jin said, "I will sort out all the information. Fortunately here."

The lawyer nodded: "Ms. Lu, we will consider these. We can also fight for Shen Jiwei in court at that time."

"These are other evidences." Yun Jin handed over the information. "A lot of Shen Jiwei's funds have been used for the right way, and he has not continued to do business similar to the Shen family. Can you see if you can use it?"

The lawyer accepted it all.

He left.

Mo Yanbai was also tired from watching Yunjin. In order to collect various materials, she stayed up all night and all night.

"Yunjin, I will send you back to rest first."

"No need. Brother Xiaobai, go do your business, I still have some information to sort out." Yun Jin smiled, "It will be done soon. The court will be held soon, and the matter will be completed. All right."

"Yun Jin, even with these materials, Shen Jiwei will not escape the prison disaster." Mo Yanbai felt that he had to remind her.

"I know." Yun Jin smiled, "I'm doing this now, but I'm doing my best. When I'm in the right place, I don't feel ashamed."

Mo Yanbai looked at her: "From then on..."

"I'll talk about the future things later, I haven't thought about the future, I just think about the present." Yun Jin smiled.

Mo Yanbai was relieved to see that she was smiling now.

No matter what, she was able to get the state of mind he is now, what he desires.

Maybe she will wait for Shen Jiwei in the future, maybe she will make other decisions.

But all this now, for her, is a rare peace.

Soon, Shen Jiwei's case was still heard.

Thanks to the efforts of everyone, although Shen Jiwei did not escape from prison, he was sentenced to only five years in prison.

This can be regarded as a rare result.

As for the others who followed Shen Jiwei, because Shen Jiwei took all the guilt, Shen Cheng and others were all right soon.

However, Shen Bingwang was sentenced to heavy punishment. In this life, he would never come out again and be free again.

After the case was completed, all the police officers felt extremely happy.

Shen Bingwang and the others have been with him for a year or two. After so many years of hard work, they finally have results. They have finally completed a big case, but they have been worried.

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