Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2363: To help you

On the day when the penalty came down, Yun Jin took the child to see Shen Jiwei.

"The child is fine now, you see, he smiles so happily." Yun Jin hugged the child to Shen Jiwei.

Shen Jiwei looked down at the child, now he was white and strong, his hands and feet were particularly strong, in the arms of Yunjin, babbled, and looked up at Shen Jiwei curiously from time to time.

Yun Jin smiled: "I've been on a business trip for five years. Okay?"

Shen Jiwei originally wanted to speak, persuading her not to wait for herself.

Who knew she said this first.


Yun Jin seemed to know what he was going to say, and she interrupted him: "Shen Jiwei, don't talk anymore. The matter between me and the child is not in your control, but in my control. I know what you are worried about. Under the rule of the country, the Ming family will run for president in the future... After that, I will not be involved in any affairs of the Ming family and the Lu family. I go to a small company and find a job, which can also support me and my children. I will not If you want to hurt your father and brother, you won't be ashamed of the Minglu family..."

Shen Jiwei reached out his hand and touched her face, his voice choked a little: "Yunjin..."

"You don't have to worry about me." Yun Jin asked him to stop, "Well, you go, I will wait for you."

Maybe there have been all kinds of unstable ideas before.

But now, she just wants to follow her heart.

"Yunjin." Shen Jiwei reached out and hugged her and the child.

He choked for a few moments and was speechless.

She didn't need to pay for him in this way.

But her attitude is very firm. If he argues again, he will appear to be a mother-in-law.

Finally, Shen Jiwei still has to leave.

The policeman took him away.

Yun Jin watched his back walk away step by step.

After he left, Yun Jin returned to Ming's house.

Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei came over.

After such a big event, they have only found time to come over now.

Seeing Yunjin, Yunwei came forward: "Yunjin!"

"Mom, I'm fine." Yun Jin smiled, "This is a child, and he is fine."

"I've heard about it. Only when Shen Ji has made arrangements, will you and your child be fine." Yunwei was finally relieved when she saw Yun Jin now like this.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I worried you."

"Silly boy, what are you talking about? You are the daughter of your parents, and you are also the baby of your parents. We are relieved when we see you."

Yun Jin looked at her mother and said guiltily: "It's her daughter who is not filial and insists on staying with Shen Jiwei, that will cause you to worry too."

"Don't talk about it. Mom and Dad have said it, respect your choice. Moreover, Shen Jiwei is not a bad person. If there are any rumors in the future, please come to us." Yun Wei said loudly.

She has not changed much from her appearance, bearing, and demeanor when she was young, and she is still a hearty and free and easy person.

Lu Zhanting also said, "Yes, there are parents and brothers, you can do your own thing. You won't let the rumors hurt you."

"Dad, mom." Yun Jin was grateful.

"And uncle too." Ming Ye Leng came over and said, smiling at Yun Jin, "Your Uncle An Che also said, he can help you carry anything. What are you afraid of?"

"Uncle." Yun Jin was very moved.

Lin Motong stretched out her hand to take the child: "Xiuyuan give me a hug, you are tired too, go wash your hands, eat first, and then rest early."

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