Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2379: Only you, Jin this life

This made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"No, although there are tens of millions of women in the world, there has never been any one that is as good as you." Shen Jiwei's voice softened, "Why would I just do anything with other women because of your absence? All women are just for them to show up, to show Shen Bingwang, to let Shen Bingwang know that I have completely entered the world he wants me to enter as he wishes, spending time and wine."

Yun Jin looked at him and said in a low voice, "What about the woman who appeared in your villa with heavy makeup?"

"You said that..." Shen Jiwei's eyes deepened, "Fool, because I know that person is you, so I feel different about you. I really thought you were crazy, really I miss you very much, but I am afraid to contact you or come to you to cause Shen Bingwang’s suspicion. You know, Shen Bingwang has a vine relationship, and even has a ghost in the police station. I am really very I'm afraid he will send someone to hurt you after he knows that I am actually away from you deliberately. Fool, it is only because of you that he will kiss you and hug you..."

He whispered, as he said, approaching her lips and kissing her softly.

Yun Jin's heart had been melted by him, and she kissed him gently until she wrapped him in sweetness.

When Yun Jin woke up the next day, the sky was already bright.

Shen Jiwei consumed her too much physical strength and energy last night, plus she was already tired during this period, so she slept for a long time.

She sat up, her whole body weakened.

Shen Jiwei has tossed her miserably.

She sat up and realized that Shen Jiwei was no longer by her side.

"Ji Wei?" Yun Jin suddenly felt a little panic, for fear that he would be gone as soon as he woke up.

"I'm here." Shen Jiwei hugged Xiuyuan and walked to her quickly, laughing in a low voice, "Wake up?"

"Yeah." Yun Jin leaned on him, "have I slept for too long?"

"Knowing that you are tired, I got up first and went to see Xiuyuan. I haven't seen my son for several days, and I really miss him." Shen Jiwei smiled, "It just so happens that Xiuyuan misses you too."

When Xiu Yuan saw Yun Jin, he opened his hands and threw himself in her arms.

Shen Jiwei encircled both mother and son in his arms. He kissed Yunjin's forehead and smiled: "Get up, you should be hungry too. Grandpa and grandma said that lunch is ready."

"Okay." Yun Jin also realized that this was grandpa and grandma's home, so she was rather embarrassed.

Shen Jiwei held the child, she got up and washed down the stairs.

The elders were waiting for her. When they saw her coming down, they said with a smile: "Yun Jin, if you are not afraid that you are hungry, we will not urge you to come down for dinner. Go back to rest after eating."

Wen Xuan took her hand: "Yun Jin, you haven't played with me for a long time. Will you go to the yard with me for a while?"

"Okay. I'll take Xiuyuan to play with you." Yun Jin smiled and sat down. Yun Wei served her soup first, which made Yun Jin feel embarrassed.

Mingyu and Yun Lan kept serving her with vegetables and asked her to eat more supplements.

After dinner, Yun Jin took Xiuyuan to the yard, and Wen Xuan ran over.

He was not familiar with Shen Jiwei, but when the helicopter he made himself was planted from the sky and couldn't find a problem, Shen Jiwei took the shot.

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