Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2380: Prepared for you

"I'll take a look for you." Shen Jiwei said.

Wen Xuan handed the letter suspiciously. Obviously, he didn't really believe that Shen Jiwei could solve the problem.

After all, his things are self-made. Generally, when something goes wrong, few people in the entire c royal family can help him fix it.

Shen Jiwei's specialization in weapons is first-rate. For this kind of mechanical equipment, it is almost like a pediatrics.

Watching the plane rise high in the air, Wen Xuan's eyes widened.

"Awesome! Uncle Shen, you are amazing!" Wen Xuan was full of admiration, "Can you teach me more?"

"Okay, when you are free, learn with me." Shen Jiwei smiled.

Wen Xuan ran to Yun Jin and whispered something to Yun Jin and Xiu Yuan, which made Xiuyuan want to run with him to play.

It's just that Xiu Yuan was too young to run, so Yun Jin held him with one hand and then followed Wen Xuan.

Such a quiet picture of the years came into view, and Shen Jiwei was warm.

After staying with Mingyu and Yun Lan for two days, Yun Jin's injuries healed very quickly. Shen Jiwei had some minor injuries before, and he almost recovered.

Yun Lan took Xiu Yuan and followed Wen Xuan to the back garden.

In the room, Yun Jin said with a smile: "Ji Wei, I have something to tell you."

"It just so happens that I also have something to tell you." Shen Jiwei smiled.

"Then you speak first."

"You speak first." Shen Jiwei smiled and pulled her into his arms.

Yun Jin looked at his eyes and said, "I think we are together now. We have always lived with my grandpa and grandma. Although we can accompany them, it is not a long-term solution. So I ask the second brother to help. I found a house and asked him to buy it for me. If you don't mind, we will move out in two days."

"Bought it?"

"Yeah. Don't worry, I bought it with my own money, and didn't worry about my parents and brothers. Since I was little, I have a lot of pocket money, but I don’t spend much money on my own. My second brother helped me with financial management, enough to buy a house and our expenses." Yun Jin smiled, "Would you like to go and see with me first?"

"Okay." Shen Jiwei smiled, "but I haven't told you about my affairs yet."

"what is it?"

"Actually I plan to buy a house."

Yun Jin said in surprise: "You bought it too? How could it be so fast?"

"No, mine hasn't been bought yet. Actually, I told Shen Cheng to have a look at it. I have selected a few good units. I originally wanted you to see which unit you like and let him buy it." Shen Ji Wei smiled.

Although Shen Cheng followed him in doing things, Shen Jiwei took the blame after the accident, so Shen Cheng was not involved.

Shen Jiwei wanted to give Yun Jin and Xiuyuan a home, how could he not take the matter of settling into his heart?

Therefore, in the past two days, he has not been idle, and has been secretly arranging Shen Cheng to see the apartment layout.

"It turns out you were already looking at the house." Yun Jin whispered. Originally, she should have discussed buying a house with Shen Jiwei.

But Yun Jin worried that he had no assets after the accident, so he was afraid of hurting his self-esteem, so he didn't discuss with him, and paid the money first, so as not to embarrass him.

Did not expect that he is also looking for a house.

"Well, it is impossible for us to live with grandpa and grandma for a long time. I also want to prepare for you and Xiuyuan."

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