Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2413: Maybe for revenge

"Nowadays, you are more assured that Yun Jin will marry him?" Lin Motong smiled.

"As long as he treats Yunjin well, the rest is not important. Now, I'm afraid no one will dare to talk about marrying Yunjin again, right?"

"Yeah." Lin Motong smiled, "These people were really self-defeating before. They didn't figure out the situation at all and wanted to break up other people's marriages. Now Ji Wei has finally slapped them in the face."

Ming Ye Leng and Lin Motong were very pleased when they mentioned this matter.

The company is developing well, and the relationship between Shen Jiwei and Yunjin is getting better and better.

In the evening, Shen Jiwei and Yun Jin agreed to go home and have dinner with Song Mu.

Yun Jin took the children for early education. The only one Shen Ji got off work, he came to pick up their mother and son and was going to return to Song's mother.

After receiving Yunjin and Xiuyuan, Shen Jiwei drove and received a call halfway through.

His expression suddenly became tense: "What? There was a car accident, in the hospital? I'll be here right away."

"What's the matter?" Yun Jin hurriedly asked when he heard his anxious voice.

"Yancheng called and said that his mother was in the hospital in a car accident. We will rush over now." Shen Jiwei said.

There was an unconcealable worry in his voice. Yun Jin didn't speak, and she didn't know the situation at this moment. Shen Jiwei was driving the car, she was afraid he would be distracted by it.

Soon after arriving at the hospital, the three of them walked in quickly.

Song Yancheng was waiting at the door of the operating room and saw Shen Jiwei. He stepped forward and said, "Brother, Mom was hit by a car. Fortunately, I was planning to come back today and happened to meet him. I am still undergoing surgery."

"Is the injury serious?" Shen Jiwei asked immediately.

"Fortunately, I didn't hurt the head, but the specifics can't be said until the doctor finishes the operation."

"Who is driving? What is going on?"

When Shen Jiwei asked, Song Yancheng said: "The driver escaped. I have sent someone to send the surveillance video of the intersection immediately. It should be clear what happened soon."

Hearing what he said, Shen Jiwei could only wait first.

Not the same, the police officer brought surveillance video.

In the video, Mother Song was about to cross the road at the green light after buying vegetables.

Suddenly, a car ran into her like an out of control wild horse.

It was before get off work, and there were not many people at the intersection. Mother Song was hit and fell to the ground.

If it weren't for Song Yancheng to rush to the car just now, the car would brake and start again, and it seemed that it was about to hit Mother Song again.

It didn't stop until it saw Song Yancheng's car coming, and then turned around and ran in another direction.

"This car is clearly intentional!" Shen Jiwei and Song Yancheng almost unanimously.

Song Yancheng pointed to the picture: "In the beginning, his speed was not fast. He speeded up when he was close to his mother. After speeding up, he slammed into him; his license plate was blocked, and the original license plate was completely invisible. It's even more obvious that he intentionally wounded someone and then ran away. Mom has been responsible for her life, and has never offended anyone. Who wants to intentionally hurt her, or even commit such a serious murder?

There was a person in Shen Jiwei's mind-He Kang!

"He Kang suffered a loss in my hands during this period of time. He might hurt his mother in order to retaliate. Yancheng, you can look up other information about this car and focus on He Kang."

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