Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2414: Cleverness

But the careful Yunjin suddenly found some kind of decoration inside the car, a little familiar.

She immediately zoomed in on the details and saw a bull terrier decoration in the car, which seemed to have been seen somewhere.

"Ji Wei, do you think this bull terrier is a bit familiar?" Yun Jin asked immediately.

"I haven't seen it." Shen Jiwei shook his head, "Besides, even if I have seen it, such crafts are very common, I am afraid I will not have any impression."

Yun Jin couldn't remember for a moment, but always felt like she had seen it somewhere.

If it reminds her, she must be able to guess who the owner of the car is.

"Forget it, Yunjin, it's getting late too, and you have had a hard day. Let's rest early." Shen Jiwei said distressedly, not wanting her to work with her.

Yun Jin had to say, "Well, let's go and rest together."

Back in the room, Yun Jin coaxed Xiuyuan to go to bed early. When the child was asleep, she packed up Xiuyuan's toys, and suddenly thought of something, she rushed to Shen Jiwei's side and said, "Ji Wei, I remember Yes, I saw that car at the Presidential Palace! It’s the President’s car! Not only the bull terrier, but also the color of the car. Although ordinary, I can still remember it, because once I was with my uncle When going to the Presidential Palace, the President's wife arranged for this car to take us off."

"That is to say, He Kang really did this!" Shen Jiwei gritted his teeth and said, "I will go to He Kang!"

"Ji Wei, wait a minute. If you go to them now, they won't be able to admit it at all. And we don't have any special evidence. As we said, bulldog pendants like that are sold everywhere." Yun Jin persuaded.

Shen Jiwei was not an impulsive person. When she was persuaded, he woke up. If He Kang did this thing, it would not be so easy to find evidence.

He calmed down, and soon had ideas, and said: "Yunjin, can you find out which cars are in the presidential palace through what channels?"

"Yes, I'll ask Uncle for information." Yun Jin said.

She immediately called Ming Ye Leng, even though she didn't know what Yun Jin was going to do, Ming Ye Leng still agreed and said, "I will send you email directly."

Yun Jin is very grateful: "Thank you, uncle."

Open the mailbox, and a report about the vehicle information of the Presidential Palace is already in it.

Yunjin pointed to a detailed comparison of each car. Although that car obscured the license plate, once it was confirmed that it was a car of the Presidential Palace, several cars with the same model and color were quickly found.

Yunjin wrote down the license plate numbers of these vehicles and said: “Now as long as you retrieve the traffic information of all road sections in Jingzhou City today, find out if these vehicles have come out and where they have stayed, you can determine this vehicle. Which one is it?"

"Yunjin, thank you." Shen Jiwei said solemnly, grateful for everything she helped to do, and knowing that her ingenuity has helped a lot.

"You and Yancheng can check the following things. I can't get involved with other things."

"I'll be back soon, you rest first." Shen Ji only kissed her forehead.

"I'll wait for you to come back." Yun Jin watched him leave.

Shen Jiwei quickly found Song Yancheng and explained everything Yunjin had found.

Song Yancheng said: "Okay, I'm going to find someone to get today's traffic information. But the investigation may be slower. It will take time."

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