Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2415: Past events and life experience

"By the way, don't let people know that we are investigating the presidential palace. I'm afraid they will jump the wall and destroy the evidence." Shen Jiwei warned.

"Brother, I understand." Song Yancheng nodded, "In short, if I find out that He Kang did this thing, I will never let him go. Don't think that his father is the president, so he dare to do whatever he wants. , Lawlessness!"

"Ji Wei, Yancheng!" Mother Song's voice came from the ward.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Song Yancheng and Shen Jiwei immediately entered Song's mother's ward.

Mother Song wanted to sit up anxiously, but due to physical reasons, she couldn't sit up for a long time.

Song Yancheng stepped forward to support her: "Mom, what are you worried about? What's wrong?"

"You are going to investigate the affairs of the Presidential Palace?" Mother Song said eagerly, "Why are you going to investigate?"

"Mom, the car that hit you today came to hit you deliberately. We have found clues and we are about to get the results. Mom, you are lucky today, so it's fine, but you must never let the bad guys get away with it. "Song Yancheng said.

"No, you can't check it." Mother Song grabbed Song Yancheng's hand, "Forget it, forget about this matter."

Shen Jiwei whispered: "Mom, sorry, this incident caused you to suffer because I provoke the presidential palace. So no matter what, I have to ask for justice for you. Mom, don't worry, country s is Where the law is concerned, once the Presidential Palace makes a mistake, it must bear the same legal responsibility. No one can get away with it. Don't worry about us."

Song Yancheng also thought it was his mother who was worried that they would provoke the presidential palace, and persuaded: "Mom, we have a sense of measure. Don't worry."

"No!" Mother Song stopped them, "Ji Wei, it's not your cause. Don't be stupid, don't go..."

"Mom, you can rest assured that we will protect ourselves. How did you tell me when I was taking the police officer test? You said that you must be an upright and useful person. I am already a police officer. Now, how can you completely ignore it because your mother is hurt?" Song Yancheng said.

"Mom, Yancheng is right, we all did what you said."

Mother Song's emotions suddenly collapsed and said, "It's not like that...It's Mom I'm sorry you. This matter is Mom's fault and has nothing to do with you..."

Song Yancheng and Shen Jiwei looked at each other and helped Song mother: "Mom, what is going on?"

"I..." Mother Song choked, "The person who hit me by the car is indeed likely from the Presidential Palace."

"You know? Then why did you stop us from checking?" the brothers said in unison.

Mother Song burst into tears.

She choked up a few times, and finally said: "Because you are the son of the current President He Feng."

"This..." Shen Jiwei and Song Yancheng were shocked, and the brothers looked at each other in disbelief.

"I won't hide it from you anymore." Mother Song sobbed, tears flooding in her eyes, as if thinking of the past.

"Twenty years ago, I, He Feng, and Shen Bingwang, we were all excellent friends. At that time, He Feng and Shen Bingwang had a very good relationship. The first person who pursued me was He Feng. Shen Bingwang helped him a lot and came to ask I liked it. Then I was with He Feng. At that time, we were always inseparable. The three of them were always together wherever they went. It was only later that I knew that Shen Bingwang had always liked me."

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