Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2514: He has a wife and children

Looking at his forehead again, sweat was dripping down.

But he still did it very seriously, showing no signs of hard work or shirk at all.

I usually see him from above, driving a luxury car, and he can leave everything to his subordinates.

Such Song Yancheng is really rare.

Teacher Xu gave Tang Tian with his arm while serving food, "Tang Tian, ​​is Police Officer Song pursuing you?"

"No, no." Tang Tian flushed and shook his head immediately, "No. Officer Song already has a wife and children."

She still remembers the sudden appearance of Yunjin. As for knowing that he has a son, it was because he had seen his family photo in his car.

In the photo, his face is soft, with a petting smile, and the girl leaning against him is beautiful, bright and generous, which is unforgettable.

The girl in the photo is holding a child in her hands. He looks exactly like him between her eyebrows. How could Tang Tian admit her mistake?

It seems that they are a happy family. Even though they misunderstood because of the girl last time, their relationship should not have been affected.

Tang Tian knew that Song Yancheng would definitely explain it to his wife.

Moreover, she also hopes that his family can be happy and not affected.

"It's no wonder that Officer Song treats children so well and is willing to help our orphanage." Teacher Xu said, "He is really a good person, and his whole family should also be very kind."

"Yes, his wife and children are very good." Tang Tian said sincerely, suddenly feeling a bit sour in her heart, but she was forcibly suppressed.

Such a good man, such a beautiful family, she absolutely cannot let them suffer any damage.

As for herself, she will forget these soon, she will definitely.

Teacher Xu said to the side: "Tang Tian, ​​you are so kind and kind, and you will definitely find a good husband like Officer Song in the future."

Tang Tian smiled and said nothing.

Song Yancheng took the child to fix everything over there before he came to wash his hands.

Tang Tian glanced at it. The entire yard was leveled, part of the wall that had collapsed was repaired, and all the extra branches on the tree were all sorted out. The dead branches were placed aside, neatly arranged.

The children rushed over to surround Tang Tian: "Sister Tang Tian, ​​let's help Uncle Song fix everything over there. Do you think we are good?"

"Awesome, you are the best." Tang Tian touched their heads, "Wash your hands and eat."

"We'll come to help you get the bowl after we wash our hands." A group of children were praised, laughed happily, and washed their hands one after another.

Song Yancheng tilted his head to look at Tang Tian, ​​and Tang Tian hurriedly avoided his sight.

While eating, Song Yancheng sat with Tang Tian.

These children are now very convinced by Song Yancheng, and they talked and laughed around him: "Uncle Song, being a policeman is great. Will we have a chance to be a policeman in the future?"

"Yes, as long as you study hard, you can definitely do it."

"Then we can catch the bad guys and protect the good guys!" Several children grinned.

Song Yancheng smiled and said: "Yes. But first you have to eat well and your body looks great before you have a chance."

"Yeah." They picked up the bowl and ate a meal.

Although they were just ordinary meals, such as cabbage, tofu, tomatoes and eggs, they had a very happy meal.

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