Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2515: Thanks to you

Tang Tian handed the bowl to Song Yancheng: "Police Officer Song, you can eat too."

"Good." Song Yancheng took the bowl and accidentally touched Tang Tian's hand.

Tang Tian hurriedly retracted like an electric shock.

Song Yancheng was a little strange and said, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, let's eat." Tang Tian smiled, as if nothing had happened.

After eating dinner, Teacher Xu arranged for these children to play, and then took a nap, when Mo Yanbai arranged for them to come.

A group of people came, and one of them walked up to Song Yancheng and stretched out his hand and said: "President Song, I am the person arranged by Young Master Mo, and I am a director of the charity association branch. My name is Zheng. I am here specifically for this orphan. Investigation by the hospital."

"Hello, Director Zheng. This is the situation of the orphanage. You can take a look first, or ask Dean Tang or the children to find out about the situation."

"We will, Officer Song. If the situation is confirmed, then the orphanage will have a charity association to take over the rescue, and then will give various special subsidies for materials and education." Director Zheng said politely.

Several staff members act separately to understand the situation.

Tang Tian also cooperated to do things.

Song Yancheng sat aside, watching Tang Tian's thin figure move between them, and seeing the smile on her face, he couldn't help but smile.

I have been busy until dinner in the evening to deal with these things.

Director Zheng and others also stayed to eat, in fact, to see the children's living conditions.

After dinner in the evening, Director Zheng basically gave the answer: "Police Officer Song, Director Tang, we have decided to allocate special funds to the orphanage every month in the future for the lives and education of the children. In addition, some are older. The older children are not suitable for studying here. We will arrange for them to enroll nearby and get a better education. For the children who graduated, we will provide jobs. There are some children who are not suitable for ordinary schools, and we will let them go Special school studies will provide these children with jobs within their capacity in the future, striving for them to learn to live and become independent."

Dean Tang’s tears of excitement came out, and he held Director Zheng’s hand tightly: "Thank you, thank you. It is these children that we have always been worried about. Your solutions are too practical and too practical. Letting them stand on their own is our greatest wish."

"If you want to thank Police Officer Song, it is he who found us and reacted to the situation, so we know the situation here." Director Zheng said, "Then Dean Tang, we will go back for the record after you sign."

Dean Tang picked up the pen excitedly, feeling too excited, and trembling his fingers for a long time before writing his name.

After Director Zheng and others left, the entire orphanage was still immersed in such an excited atmosphere.

"Tang Tian, ​​thanks to you and Police Officer Song this time. You are also tired, you should send it to Police Officer Song first." Dean Tang said kindly.

"Okay Grandpa Tang, I'll see him off now." Tang Tian replied.

She walked out with Song Yancheng, sent Song Yancheng into the car, and bowed again: "What happened today, thank you, Officer Song."

"I will come often in the future." Song Yancheng said. Apart from going to work and spending time with his mother, his life has always been simple, and there are not many things that require energy.

I will definitely come here often in the future.

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