Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2522: impossible

Song Yancheng emphatically said: "Then I will tell you, Tang Tian and I do not belong to the scope of work, and I hope you will leave it alone. Let me say again, Tang Tian has never been in that kind of industry. As far as things are concerned, this charge of defamation will have to be calculated."

Pang Pinrou took a step back in fright, knowing that Song Yancheng could do it.

After Song Yancheng finished speaking, she turned and left. She hurriedly said, "Song Officer, actually I..."

But Song Yancheng no longer paid attention to her.

After Song Yancheng went out, he called Tang Tian.

Tang Tian held the phone but did not answer it. The words Teacher Xu said echoed in his mind repeatedly: "It is immoral and it will hurt several people, including yourself."

Tang Tian squeezed the phone until the bell rang, and she didn't answer it again.

Song Yancheng called again, and she simply turned off the phone, struggling all over her heart.

When someone knocked on the door, Tang Tian opened the door and saw that it was Sally.

She did not open the door, and asked vigilantly: "What are you here for?"

"Tang Tian, ​​how did you think about the things that you were thinking about before?" Sally asked lazily, smoking a lady's cigarette, blowing out the smoke ring.

"I told you at the time and I won't agree. Sally, I advise you to quit as soon as possible..."

"It’s too late for Tang Tian. This time you just didn’t agree. I can only agree. The boss who hired me before, he saw you and fell in love with you, and kept asking you to follow him. I tried my best, but fundamentally Can't dispel his thoughts, Tang Tian, ​​you can only go with me."

Tang Tian immediately said: "Impossible! I will never be able to go with you! Since you don't want to listen to me, I can't control you, but I have nothing to do with you."

"Tang Tian, ​​when you have pity on me, if you can't take you, I'll be over. Come with me."

Seeing that she was obsessed, Tang Tian didn't want to say any more, she would close the door with her hand.

But Sally gave a wink to both sides immediately, and several tall men rushed out, held the door, and came forward to catch Tang Tian.

"Ah! What are you doing!" Tang Tian said anxiously, "Don't mess around, I have already called the police!"

Being blocked by these people, Tang Tian could no longer close the door. Sally stepped forward and said, "Tang Tian, ​​why bother struggling? We all have a lot of last resort, but we can use this to change our opportunities and destiny. Tang Tian, ​​let's go, the result of resistance and non-resistance is the same."

Tang Tian spit out her saliva: "Bah! I haven't fallen to that point yet."

Sally didn't say much, winking, the people next to her dragged Tang Tian away.

"Let go of me, let me go!" Tang Tian struggled and fought desperately, but how could she be the opponent of these men, she couldn't get rid of them at all.

"Help! Help!" Tang Tian shouted.

But the doors of the surrounding rooms were snapped shut. The place where she lives is similar to a slum. The people who live here are basically at the bottom, and the flow of people is extremely large, and there is not much contact between everyone.

When something happened, almost no one responded or helped.

Sally sneered, and raised her head proudly and said: "Tang Tian, ​​look at where you live, who will help you? Your destiny is in your own hands. Acknowledge it and go!"

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