Tang Tian was taken into the car, and the lights were on all around, but no one cared about her help.

"Help! Help!" Tang Tian was still shouting in vain.

Song Yancheng's car just drove to this position when he heard Tang Tian's shout.

He immediately drove the car over and got off.

The man holding Tang Tian pointed at Song Yancheng's car and shouted, "Who doesn't have eyes? Dare to come over and die!"

In the backlight of the car lights, Song Yancheng walked over here.

Tang Tian saw that it was him, pleasantly surprised and anxious, and couldn't help shouting, "Police Officer Song!"

Sally snorted: "What police officer? Thought it would scare us! Take it away."

While speaking, Song Yancheng had already arrived. Seeing someone holding Tang Tian, ​​he said coldly: "Let her go!"

"Good boy, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in! Give me a fight!"

Several people let go of Tang Tian and rushed towards Song Yancheng, but they were all brought down by Song Yancheng before they got close, lying on the ground crying and howling.

Sally was frightened and hurriedly wanted to drive away. Song Yancheng had already grabbed her and threw her to the ground.

Sally said immediately: "Police officer, I am also a victim, please let me go."

"Victim?" Song Yancheng's voice was freezing cold, what kind of victim could still smoke slowly?

Sally hurriedly looked at Tang Tian asking for help, hoping that Tang Tian could speak for her.

Tang Tian looked away, ran to Song Yancheng's side, grabbed his clothes, and fear was still surging in his heart. If Song Yancheng hadn't come, she would have been more ill-fortune this time.

Being taken away by Sally will basically not have good results.

Faced with Sally's gaze for help, she avoided it, already knowing what Sally was thinking, Tang Tian's friendship with her was exhausted, and it was impossible to help her unconditionally.

"Tang Tian, ​​help me, don't let the police arrest me..."

Tang Tian didn't speak, Song Yancheng already understood that this woman was Sally who had cheated Tang Tian to accompany guests.

Without hesitation, he took out the handcuffs, put her hands together, and dialed Xiao Gao.

"Police officer, I really didn't do anything, don't do that..." Sally still refused to give up and kept defending herself.

"Have you done anything? Go directly to the police station and tell me. I can't tell you." Song Yancheng tied several other people together. Those people had been beaten and had broken noses and broken legs. In fact, even if they were not tied , I can't go anywhere now.

Song Yancheng took off his coat and put it on Tang Tian's shoulder.

Tang Tian wanted to refuse, but looking down at her clothes had been torn by these people just now, she had to accept it.

Xiao Gao brought people over and rushed forward: "Officer Song."

"Bring these people back." Song Yancheng said.

"Good." Xiao Gao smiled, seeing Tang Tian, ​​bowed and smiled.

After a while, these people were taken away by Xiao Gao.

Tang Tian took off his clothes and returned it to Song Yancheng: "Officer Song, give it back to you."

"You can put it on first, it's cold at night," Song Yancheng said, giving her the clothes, "Why don't you answer my call?"

Tang Tian was taken aback by this unexpected question, and was about to explain, Song Yancheng's cell phone rang, and he picked it up: "Miss Chen. No, I have already had dinner. Let's see the situation later."

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