Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2524: Will live with me

It turned out that Chen Yunshu called him to have dinner, and Song Yancheng naturally refused.

After seeing her last time, he didn't mean to her for men or women, and he had clearly rejected her on the subsequent phone calls.

But Chen Yunshu was persevering and called him several times.

Song Yancheng hung up the phone and said to Tang Tian, ​​"That was Sally just now?"

"It's her." Tang Tian nodded slightly. She had already protected Sally from being held accountable by the police last time. If there is anything else this time, she won't help anymore.

For Sally, she has done her best.

Song Yancheng said, "Where is Sally taking you? Enter the industry?"

Tang Tian turned aside and didn't speak. Since the police were in charge of Sally, she didn't have much to say.

Song Yancheng reached out and grabbed her arm, grabbed it, and found a few scratches on it, and said, "I'll take you to the police station for medicine."

"I'll go back to my own home, there is medicine at home." Tang Tian quickly refused, "Thank you for your help tonight, thank you Officer Song."

"You are not safe at all if you stay here. Sally is just a small character. There must be countless people behind her supporting her. If you catch her, you may not be safe. You have been targeted, you can no longer Live here."

"But I don't live here, and there is no other place to go." The rent in this place is the lowest. The city of Jingzhou is so big and every inch of land is golden, and there is not much room to settle down in other places.

"What's more, it's also very close to the orphanage, and I can come to help usually," Tang Tian said in a low voice.

"You can't live in a place at all, do you think you can live there forever?" Song Yancheng said to her, "Go back and pack things and follow me."

His tone couldn't hold his beak. Before Tang Tian could speak, he had already arrived in her room and packed up.

Tang Tian didn't have much, so Song Yancheng packed her up in twos or twos, and threw all her luggage into the car.

"Where are you taking me? Officer Song, hello..." Song Yancheng took Tang Tian into the car, still hesitating.

Song Yancheng drove the car without speaking, and went straight back to the police station.

Xiao Gao hurriedly greeted him and said, "Song police officer, that Sally has already been recruited. She came to rob Tang Tian to accompany her own boss. That boss is crowded and powerful. Fortunately, you went in time. Otherwise, Tang Tian has been taken away."

"What should I do?" Song Yancheng said, "I will leave it to you here."

Sally and a few other people were taken out. She saw Tang Tian and begged: "Tang Tian, ​​you can help me, please plead with me... I really didn't mean it. This is the first time I have done such a thing. Ah, Tang Tian, ​​Officer Song, you help me..."

Tang Tian bit her lip slightly, looked at her, frowned and said, "Last time you also said it was your first time, sorry Sally, I can't help you this time, so please do it yourself."

"Tang Tian, ​​for the sake of one of our friends, don't you be so unfeeling..." Sally shouted, "I'll look down and see you later, please Tang Tian..."

"From now on, Tang Tian will not live in the same place." Song Yancheng said to her, and took Tang Tian into his arms, "She will live with me."

Sally looked at him and Tang Tian in surprise, but did not expect Tang Tian to have found such a boyfriend.

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