Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2794: Let her go

"Yes, miss." The butler naturally had nothing against Mo Lian.

As long as the housekeeper and others do not enter Mo Zheng's room, Mo Lian estimates that Mo Chenyi and the others will not find out that Mo Zheng is missing.

Li Qingchen left from Mo's house.

Chu Rufeng followed her and said, "In the morning, I will see you off. You have no place to live when you go out now. Why don't you live with me first?"

"Do you still think there is not enough dirty water on our bodies now?" Li Qingchen smiled bitterly, "Forget it, don't accompany me, I will find a place to live by myself."

"Early in the morning, I blamed me for being bad and didn't help you clarify... I really don't know that the video from Wandandan, with sinister intentions, actually used it to humiliate you in public."

Li Qingchen shook his head: "Stop talking about this, you go first."

"But you are alone..."

"Chu Rufeng, you are a well-rounded young president, right? Lao Chu is always your father, right?" Li Qingchen suddenly stopped and asked.

"Yes... I'm sorry I haven't told you, and I don't think I need to tell you. I just feel that I am a colleague and a friend relationship with you, and our relationship is not based on these..."

Li Qingchen shook his head with a laugh. It's no wonder that Wandandan was going to make a big fuss. He was so stupid that he didn't even see such simple things clearly.

She looked straight at him: "Then tell me, I can stay in Fengxingliang, do you mean it?"

At this moment, she was really frustrated. Was the ability she was originally proud of also a charity from others?

"No, early in the morning, this was definitely not what I meant." Chu Rufeng said immediately, "I didn't know the actual situation until you were hired that day."

"That's good." Li Qingchen sighed weakly, "You go back first."

She raised her hand and called the car, got in the car, and left.

Chu Rufeng looked at her helpless figure to leave, gritted her teeth, but could only watch her leave.

Li Qingchen found a place to stay first.

The next day, I went to Feng Xingliang and went through the resignation procedures.

In the past, she felt that working with Chu Rufeng was not a big deal, and she also thought that both of them were able to find jobs on their own, and it was unfair no matter who left.

Now I know that, in fact, Chu Rufeng is the young master of the Chu family.

If she had known this, she would never stay.

Before Chu Rufeng came, she left Fengxinglianghe, even if she was in charge of various retention, she did not hesitate to sign.

"Master, Li Qingchen has left. There are still many projects that cannot be handed over. She must be..."

"Forget it, let her leave." Chu Rufeng said, he also knew that keeping her would hurt her.

"All the bonuses settled to her will be settled to her."

The supervisor said: "Yes, I settled it, but she didn't ask for it, just her own salary..."

The supervisor knew Chu Rufeng's attitude towards Li Qingchen, so he didn't embarrass Li Qingchen, but Li Qingchen didn't want the money that should belong to her.

After Li Qingchen went out, he resubmitted his resume to find a job.

Everything must be started again.

She called Mo Yanbai, but he did not answer.

She changed it to a text message, telling him that she had signed the divorce agreement, so that he didn't have to worry.

However, Mo Yanbai did not reply. Obviously, he didn't seem to pay attention to this matter at all.

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