Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2931: Want you to pay

Who knows when I received a call saying that there was a problem with Wandandan's child, they hurried over.

As soon as I entered, I heard the shout of Wandandan.

My father and my mother rushed to their daughter and cried, "My child, what's going on? What happened?"

Wan Dandan cried: "Parents, my children are gone, and brother Mo’s children are gone. I blame Li Qingchen. She is jealous of me. She wants to drive me away from Brother Mo. She pushes me down and lets me 'S child is gone...uuuuuu, my child..."

My father and my mother were furious, especially my mother, who had seen Li Qingchen displeased for a long time, rushed to Li Qingchen, and shouted: "Li Qingchen, you took my daughter’s inheritance last time, this time, you Did she lose her child again? You woman, why are you so vicious? See if I don't kill you as a bitch?"

She slapped her over, and Mo Chenyi blocked her: "What the **** is going on, there is still no conclusion. In a society under the rule of law, how can you allow you to make trouble here?"

Mo Chenyi's momentum was high, and my mother was shocked by his temperament. She really didn't dare to do it at once, but she cried: "Then what happened to my daughter? The child my daughter was pregnant with, was The vicious woman is gone... my poor daughter, my poor grandson..."

Mo Chenyi said: "This matter is not yet settled. What is it to be noisy here? If you are wronged, just call the police directly. It affects other people, what is it?"

My father and my mother were too afraid to speak up by Mo Chen's righteous words.

They looked at Wandandan eagerly, but when they thought that their daughter's child was gone, their heart was very painful. In the future, their daughter's affairs with Mo Yanbai also had no fix, and they couldn't help but wailed again.

Li Qingchen was also very uncomfortable. Although Wandandan was not worthy of sympathy, the child was innocent, and she really felt that the child was very pitiful.

Jian Zhifei was afraid that they would hurt Li Qingchen, and said, "Early morning, you can go with us."

Li Qingchen nodded and followed Jian Zhifei.

My father and my mother wanted to stop Li Qingchen, but looking at Mo Chenyi, he still didn't dare to do anything.

Li Qingchen walked out with Mo Chenyi and Jian Zhifei.

My father and my mother howled again, and said to Mo Yanbai: "Yanbai, Dandan had a miscarriage. It was Li Qingchen who killed him. No matter what, you have to ask Dandan for justice."

Mo Yanbai did not speak, he kept pursing his thin lips, unable to guess what he was thinking.

But my father and my mother can also feel that he is not worried about Wandandan.

Wandandan pulled up his sleeves: "Brother Mo, my child is gone. It's really sad, but I really didn't mean it. Don't blame me..."

How could Mo Yanbai fail to guess that she did it on purpose?

The child is not his, she naturally did not dare to check. He had expected that she would find a way to avoid the check and even remove the child.

But she didn't expect that she would push all this on Li Qingchen's head.

Wan Mu said from the side: "Dandan, don't worry, I'll call the police to catch her. She has to pay the price for causing you to be like this."

As expected, Wan Mu immediately called the police.

The police came quickly and called up surveillance video.

In the video, Wandandan and Li Qingchen passed by. It is not clear why Wandandan fell, and then fell directly to the ground, bleeding all over the ground.

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