Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2932: I will punish her myself

Seeing the surveillance, Wan Mu cried loudly: "It's all about Li Qingchen, she is so cruel, even pregnant women..."

Seeing this, the police had no choice but to manage this matter.

That night, they contacted Li Qingchen to investigate the police station.

Li Qingchen rushed over soon.

She is indeed a little guilty, no matter what, if an innocent child leaves, it is not that she is not without guilt in her heart.

At the police station, the father and mother rushed up again.

Without Mo Chenyi and Jian Zhifei accompanied this time, the attitude of the father and mother was very arrogant.

"Li Qingchen, you give Dandan an explanation! You bitch, you are jealous of everything Dandan got, and now I want you to pay for it!" Wan Mu opened her teeth and danced.

The police stopped them.

"This matter, it seems that Li Qingchen didn't mean it. I don't think you can solve it privately." It is really difficult to determine who is responsible on the video.

The police still favored the kind-hearted Li Qingchen.

"That won't work, I want her to go to jail! I want her to pay a tragic price!" Wan Mu shouted.

"Looking at the video, Li Qingchen's responsibility is not great. She walked normally, but Wandandan walked a little faster. It's hard to say who was responsible for this matter. It can only be said to be an accident." .

Wan Mu refused to give up and refused to give up.

She stepped forward to grab Li Qingchen's clothes. At this moment, a tall figure appeared and stood in front of Li Qingchen.

Li Qingchen felt emotionally relaxed, but Mo Yanbai's arrival made her nervous again.

"Yanbai, don't stop me, I have to ask her to give an explanation today." Wanmu thought Mo Yanbai was here to help Wandandan.

Mo Yanbai said lightly: "This matter, that's the end. Don't mention it again."

"That's what happened to Dandan?" Wan Mu was not convinced.

Mo Yanbai said: "Li Qingchen made such a serious mistake, so naturally I will punish her. You don't need to worry about it."

"Then let her go to jail and let her pay the debt!" Wan Mu shouted.

"I will deal with it naturally. This matter has nothing to do with you at all." Mo Yan made a final conclusion.

The police also felt that this matter should be kept private. After all, it is difficult to define the responsibility, and they don't want more incidents, so they immediately said: "Okay, then we will leave this matter to Master Mo."

Even if my father and my mother disagree, they dare not say anything.

Li Qingchen stood behind Mo Yanbai, and he was lucky to be there just now.

But when he heard these words, he knew that he must feel that the responsibility was all on him, and he didn't know what else he would do to deal with him.

If Wandandan’s child is gone, will he also take away his child...

Li Qingchen's face suddenly became pale.

Mo Yanbai turned around and said to her, "Follow me back."

"No, I have something else..." Li Qingchen refused, her voice trembling at the thought that he might do something cruel to herself.

"Do you want to live in the police station?" Mo Yanbai asked.

"No." Li Qingchen realized that he couldn't stay here forever and had to go out with him.

Just walking out, Chu Rufeng ran over and said, "Are you okay early in the morning? I heard Uncle Mo said that you were at the police station and came right away. What is the situation now?"

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