Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3011: Lure him out

I only heard the second "tsk" in the computer and said: "Li Qingchen, Mo Yanbai went to save Wandandan. Tsk, it's a pity."

Hearing that Mo Yanbai had gone to save Wandandan, knowing that this was his normal choice, Li Qingchen's heart still suffocated.

I knew it was impossible for me to be with him, but I still hoped faintly that he at least had himself in his heart.

But the truth is nothing.

Li Qingchen smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes. In fact, she didn't want him to take risks and do anything for herself.

But when she knew that she was the one who was given up, the scar in her heart still cracked...

She closed her eyes.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside.

The second master in the computer smiled: "Li Qingchen, it's a pity that Xue Liangyan came to save you. It just so happens that it is a good choice to let your father and daughter die together. Of course, there is also Tang Tian... But Tang Tian It's really not easy to do."

After all, Tang Tian's current husband, Song Yancheng, has a huge family background, and the second master still dare not directly deal with her.

Li Qingchen was angry and anxious, this second master not only wanted to hurt his father and himself, but also planned to do something against Tang Tian!

Thinking that Song Yancheng could protect Tang Tian, ​​Li Qingchen was a little better.

A voice came from the second master: "Second master, Xue Liangyan entered the small building, but we lost his trace!"

"It's worthy of being the International Criminal Police who was selected by thousands of people in those years. It hasn't undergone professional training for so many years, and still has such skill. I will immediately lead people to find him. I must use Li Qingchen to lure him out!" What seemed to be talking about and laughing was not about taking human lives, but just talking about commonplace.

Li Qingchen's eyes were full of worry.

Although his father was quite skilled, he was older, and the second master took so many people with him. He was too dangerous to be alone.

But Li Qingchen's worries were not over yet, he saw the picture of the second master disappeared from the computer, and then his father's voice appeared in his ears.

"Early morning!" Uncle Liang hurried over.

He untied the rope on Li Qingchen.

"How did you come?" Li Qingchen was worried.

All the people outside are from the second master. It is really risky for my father to come like this.

"The second master is actually not in this building. The rest of the people are just guarding the outside door, thinking they are safe. I came in through the ventilation duct." Uncle Liang said, holding her hand and bypassing the gasoline , Ran out.

But just ran out and noticed that the abnormal subordinates had followed.

Uncle Liang took Li Qingchen to escape.

Immediately afterwards, a series of shots sounded behind him.

Uncle Liang took Li Qingchen and just fled outside the small building. In the open space, many people suddenly appeared, holding guns and pointing at Uncle Liang and Li Qingchen.

Li Qingchen was so worried that his heart was about to jump out.

Liang Shu guarded her behind him and said, "Second Lord, you have to deal with me and avenge Mo Yanbai. Just come at me. She is innocent in the morning and she did nothing. You let her go and I die by myself. , No complaints!"

"Cut the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows and regenerates." Er Ye smiled happily.

"I advise you, it's best to do it to me alone. I can leave a last word so that my daughter will not be your enemy. But if you dare to move my daughter!" Liang Shu said here, full of momentum, and glanced around. People around.

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