These subordinates were shivered by his cold gaze.

"If they are all dead, wouldn't it be better?" Er Ye said with a smile, "Presumably Mo Yanbai has also been saved in Wandandan. He is here now, just to see that I personally help him avenge his father. "

"Second Lord, Master Mo is here!" someone ran over and said.

"Please come over," said the second master.

He has been in the shadows, making it difficult to see his face.

Uncle Liang kept watching him, but couldn't guess his identity. He only knew that he used to be in the United States. All people in the country would not obey his orders. His hands were long enough to reach the US Interpol headquarters!

Mo Yanbai strode over, with him, and Wandandan, who had just been rescued by him.

He did not bring Wandandan, but came over by himself.

"Master Mo, someone brought you here. Come, since Master Mo is here, let's do it in front of him."

"No." Mo Yan stopped in vain, "Since it is my enemy, I should do it myself."

Li Qingchen stopped in front of Liang Shu: "Mo Yanbai, it turns out that you have never really given up your hatred. Well, since my father and I are going to die here today, let me die first! I don't want to continue to see you dirty Dirty and violent face!"

"Early morning!" Uncle Liang said distressedly.

Mo Yanbai took out the gun, pointed at Liangshu, and said, "Since the final result must be like this, then I will do it myself."

"No!" Li Qingchen guarded his father tightly, grabbed his gun and pointed it at his forehead, "Mo Yanbai, shoot!"

"Xue Liangyan, it's over here today!" Mo Yan uttered the vernacular, his wrist flicked, and the bullet flew out in one direction.

Several people ran over behind Liang Shu and Li Qingchen, and Qi Qi surrounded Liang Shu and Li Qingchen.

Uncle Liang threw Li Qingchen to the ground, and took advantage of this opportunity to run around them, and protected them, and took out his gun to confront the second master.

The bullet Mo Yanbai shot just now was in the direction of the second master.

But the bullet was obviously missed, and the second master was not injured.

The second master's people, all their guns were aimed at Mo Yanbai, and in the critical situation just now, they only aimed at him without shooting.

Mo Yanbai's face changed, his voice choked, put down the gun, and said to the second master: "So...your true identity is really..."

He ruled out all the possibilities and only got this result.

And this result was originally the most impossible.

But this is often the case, and the most impossible is the only answer.

Eliminating all the impossible, the final answer, even if it is impossible, can only be the only correct answer.

"You are...really him..." Mo Yanbai couldn't utter those words.

The second master stood out from the dark shadow and appeared in front of Mo Yanbai and Xue Liangyan.

He is still so refined, capable and energetic.

Looking at Mo Yanbai, his eyes softened: "Yanbai, you really deserve to be my son, smart!"

Xue Liangyan and Li Qingchen were shocked when they heard what the second master said.

The second master is Mo Yanbai's father?

So he was... Chen Ziwen, who was already dead, the brother of Mo Chenyi and Xue Liangyan, Chen Ziwen?

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