Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3070: It's really lingering

"Next time I go to see them in the army." Lu Yiyang smiled, "Next time I have time, I will come back secretly to see you."

"The girlfriend's affairs, we don't worry, you have to have a snack." Yun Wei still couldn't help but exhorted, "At least, you have to stop the old officials."

When a mother, even if she considers her son as a friend, it is impossible to see him always alone.

"Yes." Lu Yiyang responded.

When Lu Yiyang returned to Jingzhou City, he immediately received a call from Yunjin.

"Second brother, are you back? Can you eat together tonight?"

"Okay. Just so, parents brought you a lot of things."

Although Yunjin doesn't lack anything, parents still want to give her more.

Lu Yiyang complained with a smile: "You know what? The things they bring to you are far heavier than my own luggage."

Yun Jin laughed happily.

Lu Yiyang hung up the phone and asked people to put the things for Yunjin in the car and send them to Shen Jiwei's residence.

He drove out by himself to go to the place he had agreed with Yunjin.

Halfway through, he even received a call from an official of the Royal Court, saying that he had sent photos of a few girls to his mobile phone and asked him to choose.

Lu Yiyang looked at the photos on the phone and deleted them all.

It's really lingering...

The road was a bit blocked, and he patiently waited for the vehicle in front to pass.

Seeing the traffic police on the side wearing uniforms, Lu Yiyang lost consciousness for a moment.

Although I have accepted the incident of improper policeman, I still feel a little trembling deep in my heart.

He retracted his gaze, and when he was about to drive out, a figure flashed by beside him, reached out his hand to grab the bag on the rear seat of a car, turned and ran!

"Catch the thief!" The owner yelled, trying to chase, but reluctant to car.

Lu Yiyang's car happened to pass by, slammed the car to the side of the road, and flew away.

The bag thief was specifically stealing what the owner had placed in the back row during traffic jams. Usually, no one would chase him. At this moment, he saw Lu Yiyang chasing him and ran forward.

"Stop!" Lu Yiyang chased up without hesitation.

The bag thief probably has never seen such a desperate righteous and brave person who ran forward cursingly, specifically to drill in crowded places.

Lu Yiyang did not relax, and shouted: "Stop!"

Such a little thief, still want to fight him?

When he was about to catch up, his leg hurt and his whole body was a little unsupported.

Lu Yiyang realized that even after half a year of recuperation, what the doctor said was still correct. He was really not suitable for being a policeman.

Seeing that he didn't chase forward, the bag thief went forward somewhat proudly.

Lu Yiyang was aroused, and rushed forward again. When he chased a few hundred meters away, he flew forward and threw the bag-thief to the ground.

There was a scream of exclamation from the surrounding crowd, and people quickly gathered around here.

Lu Yiyang caught the thief and touched his waist reflexively... only to realize that he was really not a policeman, and there was no familiar handcuffs on his waist!

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Can you afford to pay for the delay of our filming?" Someone cursed forward, holding a table book in his hand.

Lu Yiyang grabbed the bag thief and stood up, only to realize that there were cameras all around, there were also laid tracks, and people who looked like stars.

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