It was the deputy director who cursed: "Are you blind? Do you know how much our equipment costs? Do you know how much it will cost us five minutes?"

Lu Yiyang glanced at him, and the kingly air in his eyes suddenly distinguished him from these people.

The assistant director was shocked by his gaze, and suddenly stopped.

A young girl in a simple dress rushed forward.

She stopped the deputy director: "Associate director, leave it to me to deal with! Everything here, I will let people clean up immediately!"

"It's not that I said you Junya, how did you become an assistant? I didn't know about clearing the scene before shooting? I didn't know if there was a sign outside and no one should enter?" The assistant director sprinkled all the anger on the young girl.

Lu Yiyang just wanted to speak, she saw that he wanted to help him, and said hurriedly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll fix it right away!"

"All right, hurry up and pack up!"

The assistant director waved away.

Junya rushed to Lu Yiyang's side and said, "This gentleman, step aside and talk."

Lu Yiyang grabbed the bag thief and snorted: "This is a thief, I will send him to the police station now. If there is any loss on your side, I will be responsible for compensation!"

"Okay, I'll accompany you!" Jun Ya was quite talkative, looking at Lu Yiyang, her eyes radiant.

"No, I can go by myself." Even so, he did not repel her to follow.

Lu Yiyang then remembered that he hadn't brought his car, and that his mobile phone was in the car.

Junya saw his embarrassment and smiled: "It's okay, I'll call the police. Also, use my car."

Lu Yiyang glanced at her, T-shirt and denim shoes, very capable.

"You don't seem to need to help me?"

"It's okay, something that goes by."

Lu Yiyang looked at the scene messed up by the thief he had just caught, and seemed to understand something: "If you lose your count, I will pay you."

Junya smiled: "Okay."

Accompanying Lu Yiyang to the thief and the lost property to the police station, Junya waited for landing Yiyang outside the police station.

When Lu Yiyang came out, she saw her leaning on the car door, making a call as if she was negotiating something.

Thinking of this, Lu Yiyang felt a little guilty and went to her side and waited patiently for her to finish the call.

Junya finished the fight soon, and when she saw him, she smiled brightly: "Hello, my name is Junya, I don't know what your name is yet."

"Lu Yiyang."

"Hello, Mr. Lu. Then where do I take you now?" Junya is particularly energetic, like a hot sun, but also like a flower, smiling at any time.

The mood that made Lu Yiyang feel low because of his leg injury has also become a little higher.

"Go to the restaurant." Lu Yiyang said an address, which was the place to make an appointment with Yunjin.

"By the way, have the losses just been accounted for?" he asked.

"Mr. Lu, forget the loss. But I want to know what job you are doing now? Seeing that you have a very good skill just now, are you a policeman? I don’t mean anything else, Mr. Lu, your body is too good. Now, he looks very distinctive and is especially suitable to be a model. Mr. Lu, are you interested?"

Lu Yiyang is not used to telling strangers about his personal affairs, but facing her, he still speaks: "Being a policeman is a thing before. Sorry, I am not interested in modeling."

"So you are really a policeman!" Junya was very happy, "No wonder you just caught the thief so simply and neatly!"

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