Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3080: The handsomest man to sleep

"Tonight, I'm going to find the most handsome man!" Junya seemed to have already thought about it, with a longing smile on her face.

But deep in the eyes, there was a tired and injured emotion.

The smile on his face now is nothing more than a mask.

Lu Yiyang drove the car back to his apartment.

"Take something and follow me."

"Didn't you send me to the hotel?" Junya dragged her luggage to follow him.

"You think I, as a retired police officer, can watch a woman fall into the abyss of depravity and turn a blind eye? If someone calls the police tomorrow about a round-rape, rape-rape case, the police station will have no face."

"You, a police officer, are still retired, and your control is too wide."

Lu Yi paused: "Yes, I knew I shouldn't have sent you back. No, I knew I shouldn't have promised you to try some catwalks. Otherwise, I don't have to be so wide."

Thinking of the show, Junya was a little more sober: "Mr. Lu, it's good to be generous. You police officers are all good people, especially those like you."

"Go in." Lu Yi turned on the light and threw her in. "Take a bath and change clothes."

His room is just an ordinary apartment, simple two rooms, but the furnishings are simple and comfortable.

I don't know if it was because of being told by him or taking a hot bath, Junya relaxed.

The heart hurt by Zhou Shengyu didn't hurt so much.

She changed her clothes and came out. Lu Yiyang also took a shower and changed his clothes. He was wearing a comfortable nightgown with wet hair, showing a bit of a lazy king after the beast calmed down.

He handed a bottle of wine to Junya.

"Didn't you say you want to drink?"

Junya took it over: "Yes, not only to drink, but also to drink upside down. Do you have enough wine here?"

"Enough is enough, but I advise you to drink less." Junya smiled and looked at him, "Anyway, you are also a retired police officer. I believe in your character. You will not do anything to me while I am drunk. of."

"I'm afraid of what you do to me."

"..." Jun Ya rubbed the tip of her nose.

"After all, someone said just now that I should sleep with the most handsome man while drunk."

Junya was shorted by him, and she was about to jump up: "Hey, you are not the most handsome, don't think I will do anything to you. I have seen more actor than you have eaten salt, no matter how handsome you can be handsome Those movie kings?"

"If not, why are your eyes straight when you see me?" Lu Yiyang asked back.

Junya's tongue is a little knotted: "You are in good shape and look good, but you are not the most handsome, and you are not so close."

She took a sip of wine: "But if you look at it when you get drunk, it's okay."

Lu Yiyang had a hunch that he would take in a drunk crazy woman tonight.

The doorbell rang and he went out and took something in.

Take it apart and put it on the table.

Junya's eyes lit up: "How do you know my birthday today?"

"Zhou Shengyu is not today's birthday, naturally it is you."

"But how do you know that scumbag is Zhou Shengyu?"

"Don't forget, I'm a police officer. Besides, this matter is not difficult to reason about. If you come together, you also have such an actor?"

"It's worthy of being a police officer, or a retired." Junya said, seeing the cake and feeling better, "So gave it to me?"

"Eat some cake to cushion your stomach. I won't get that drunk for a while. Although I am a police officer, I am not in the mood to take care of an alcoholic all night."

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