Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3081: Just for myself

Junya laughed: "Thank you, Mr. Lu. No matter what, you, a police officer, can be regarded as serving the people."

"I just can't just watch the liangjia women fall into the dust."

Junya was happy, and with this cake, her mood became different from before.

She lit the candle and blew it out in one breath, giving Lu Yiyang a delicious cake.

When I wanted to drink, I was not as anxious as I was just now. I picked up the wine and just sipped it.

"Mr. Lu, rest first. Don't worry, I won't mess around."

Lu Yiyang pointed to the second bedroom: "You live in that room."

He went back.

Junya hugged her legs and sat on the sofa for a long time before getting up and returning to the room. She took a few more sips of wine and fell asleep with her head covered.

She didn't have the insomnia she thought, instead she slept all night without knowing how sweet it was.

Zhou Shengyu made several calls.

Junya picked it up.

"Junya, let's talk."

Junya packed up her things and put on a light makeup before going out.

When I saw Zhou Shengyu again, he was wearing a fitted casual clothes and a peaked cap, and his whole temperament was pleasant.

He has played many ascetic men in movies, and he looks very serious in life.

Only thinking of the entangled body last night did Junya feel nausea and nausea.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I noticed that you took away everything you left in our apartment." Zhou Shengyu said, "Although it is good to get together and get away, I want to make it clear to you that I am sorry for this matter. I hope in the future. Don't you target anyone?"

"Who is that woman, do you want to protect her like this?" Jun Ya was really unwilling and couldn't be completely calm.

"Anyway, I'm sorry. Junya, for the sake of the past, it's good to get together and get away."

Jun Ya laughed angrily: "Just because you are sorry, so I have to swallow my anger and don't care about anything? Pretending to be calm and gentle, to fulfill your happiness? Then my five years, who will make it? "

"Junya, feelings cannot be forced. Please respect my feelings with us."

"Of course I can't force it, but if I don't run into you, you intend to deceive me all the time? When you liked others, why didn't you tell me the first time?"

Zhou Shengyu's apology has faded: "Can you make trouble without reason?"

"Do you know what makes unreasonable trouble?" Junya picked up the coffee on the table and splashed it on Zhou Shengyu's face, "This is called unreasonable trouble!"

Zhou Shengyu stood up, angrily: "Junya!"

"Zhou Shengyu, I know that you came out to ask me not to expose our feelings. Don’t worry, I won’t expose it. But it’s not for you, just for myself! I’m not that stupid. I lost my own back in the entertainment industry." Junya stood up and turned to leave.

Zhou Shengyu squeezed his fists and finally calmed down his anger.

A woman came over gently: "Shengyu, forget it, don't care about her. She is just a small agent. You are already the top actor in the entertainment industry. Even if she is noisy, it will not be affected. your."

Zhou Shengyu smiled: "Of course. Just let her go, she can't make any splashes."

After Junya went out, she was still very angry.

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