Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3095: Waited all day

"How big is your need?" Lu Yiyang drank coffee from the side.

"It's not the same as what you used." Junya turned around, took off her pajamas to him, and opened up the rich content inside.

"Little fairy!"

Junya feels that everything is worth it to him.

Although it was just a physical friendship, he had a lot more conscience than Zhou Shengyu.

She cleaned up the room for him, bought food, and after the horse, he gave her the same equal respect, accompanied her to the studio, would remember her time for her period, help her discuss work, and even give her physical pleasure.

Maybe it's just because he didn't want to owe her, but he also enjoyed her care for many years than Zhou Shengyu, but he never even gave her a bunch of flowers, and even for his reputation, he never gave her a smile in front of others.

Some people are worth it, and some people are not worth it.

But even so, it is still a bit difficult for Junya to start.

Han Yixue has already taken over all of her work. It is really difficult for Junya to ask for money and no money.

"It will be the Jingzhou Fashion Week dinner in a month. I must seize this opportunity." Junya said while reading the content.

"Is it important?" Lu Yiyang didn't think it was too big.

Yun Jin dragged him there once before, but he was bored, so he never visited again.

"Of course it's important! All the people who came that night were bigwigs in the fashion industry. The editors of fashion magazines, the founders of clothing brands, the founders of jewelry brands, and the people in charge will all be there. Even the catwalks in the evening can get various endorsements for the second year.

"As far as I know, the model for the catwalk has already been decided, and it is impossible to decide that night."

Junya nodded: "You understand. It is true. It was set three months ago, but if it is popular that night, I will have the opportunity to be on stage the next day. In short, I have to fight for this opportunity for you."

"Okay, how can I fight for it?" Lu Yiyang decided to cooperate. Since the contract has been signed, he will accompany her to put every day of the year into work.

"If you can go to two other shows in advance, you will have a chance to get the invitation list." Jun Ya calculated, "I have brought a few models before and I know a lot of people. I will help you fight for it. "

On the same day, Junya went out with great interest.

Although it is simple, it is not easy for her to see the person in charge of these two small shows now.

I called one of the persons in charge, and others told her that she might not have time, and asked her to wait at the door of the hotel.

Junya watched her eyes through the door of the hotel. For a whole day, she ate bread at the door. She was afraid that she would miss someone when she went to the bathroom.

In the middle of the night, she sat on the steps with her legs in her arms, did not wait for the person in charge, but waited for Lu Yiyang.

When he came, she almost fell asleep in a daze.

Lu Yiyang stretched out his hand to hug her, and she woke up suddenly: "Mr. Zheng?"

"I was disappointed to see that it was me?" Lu Yiyang saw her face collapsed.

"No... I thought it was the person in charge I was waiting for." Junya smiled apologetically, "I waited all day, I thought he would be back later, I didn't expect it to be you... …"

"Have you waited all day?" Lu Yiyang's tone was not very good. "Does he know what punctuality is?"

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