"They are very busy, and there are many things temporarily every day. Our agents usually have to wait." Junya is not surprised at this, "If I have an ace artist in my hand, I can let others wait for me. , Who made me not have any chips in my hand now?"

Lu Yiyang felt a little distressed: "Then go back first, don't wait."

"No, going back now, wouldn't it be worth waiting all day?" Junya shook her head, "It's okay, I can still hold it."

Lu Yiyang handed the water to her: "My lips are peeling."

Junya picked it up, but took a sip.

"You go back and rest first, I'll wait here. It's two or three o'clock at the latest, and they always have to come back to rest." Jun Ya smiled and handed him the water.

Lu Yiyang stood up and walked towards his car.

Junya didn't expect him to wait for herself, but she still felt a little uncomfortable seeing his walking away...Uncomfortable, he didn't care about herself.

But this is her own job, and there is nothing to count on. She knows that she can't be discouraged or despised!

Keep waiting, persist, and win! She cheered herself up.

Lu Yiyang returned soon, which surprised Jun Ya.

He returned with a bowl of porridge, took two more small blankets, and handed them to her.

Although it is summer, the air-conditioning at the hotel entrance is really uncomfortable.

"Drop it. Eat it." He took the thing over, with a hard tone, but suddenly resolved all the grievances in Junya's heart.

He put a blanket on her, covering her shoulders and legs.

Junya took a bite of the porridge: "Forget it, I'll eat it later. In case Mr. Zheng comes over, I'm afraid I won't see him when I go to the toilet..."

Lu Yiyang frowned, "Why don't I stay here when you go to the toilet?"

"Then do you know Mr. Zheng?" Junya was very moved when she knew that he was determined to stay with her.

"Give me a photo." Lu Yiyang stretched out his hand.

Junya handed over the photos with some doglegs, feeling warm for his behavior, couldn't help holding his arms, and said affectionately: "Yes, it's him."

"Okay." Lu Yiyang picked it up, "Go to the toilet after eating."

In order to wait here, she can eat something casually, without drinking water and going to the toilet all day?

So she used to work like this every time for Zhou Shengyu?

Thinking of this, Lu Yiyang felt uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with you Yi Yang?" Junya asked, "If you are sleepy, go back first. I can do it alone."

"What to eat, where is so much nonsense?"

"Oh," Junya lowered her head to eat, and then ate two bites before shouting, "Mr. Zheng."

She rushed up, in front of a man, with a respectful attitude, whispering something, smiling, and pleading.

Lu Yiyang's heart became more and more uncomfortable, so she helped the person Zhou Shengyu begged for a few years, and lost his smiling face for a few years. After Zhou Shengyu became red, she kicked her away?

When Junya came back, she had already brought a brilliant smile, holding Lu Yiyang's arm, and smiled at him: "Mr. Zheng said he can give us a chance and try it tomorrow. If we can, we can be on stage! "

"Well, you can practice stepping with me that night." Lu Yiyang responded.

Jun Ya was slightly stunned: "Aren't you unwilling to practice Taiwan step?"

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